Grilled Cheese Toast Recipe

Grilled Cheese Toast Recipe


  1. Four slices of bread (you can choose whole wheat, sourdough, or white).
  2. One cup of shredded cheese (mixture of mozzarella, cheddar, or both)
  3. two teaspoons softened butter
  4. One teaspoon of optional garlic powder
  5. Half a teaspoon of dried herbs (optional), such as basil or oregano
  6. To taste, add salt and pepper.


Get the bread ready:

  • If you prefer to prepare them in the oven, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). As an alternative, you can use a stovetop skillet.

Stir in the butter:

  • Put the softened butter, dried herbs (if using), and garlic powder in a small bowl. Blend thoroughly by mixing.

Distribute the Butter:

  • Each bread slice should have a generous amount of the butter mixture on one side.

Put the Toast Together:

  • Lay the bread slices in the skillet or on a baking sheet, butter side down. Add shredded cheese to the top of each piece. If you’d like, you can season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Cook or Bake:

  • Oven Technique: Bake for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbling and the edges are browned.
  • Skillet Method: Turn up the heat to medium in a skillet. After placing the bread slices with the butter side down, fry them for three to four minutes on each side, or until the cheese has melted and the bread is brown.


  • Take out of the skillet or oven, allow to cool for one minute, then cut into slices and serve hot. Savor with your preferred dipping sauce or tomato soup!


  • For extra taste, feel free to sandwich cooked bacon, avocado, or sliced tomatoes between the cheese layers.
  • Try out various cheese varieties to create interesting flavor combinations!

Savor your toast with grilled cheese!


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