Air Fryer Apricot And Walnut Fruit Cake Recipe

Air Fryer Apricot And Walnut Fruit Cake Recipe

Accept a traditional Christmas fruitcake recipe that has been updated: the classic Air Fryer Apricot and Walnut Fruit Cake Recipe. Step out of the conventional with my version, a lively blend that eschews alcohol and embraces a bounty of candied and dried fruits, all perfectly balanced by the rich crunch of walnuts. See the Christmas Apricot and Walnut Fruitcake, a potential challenger for your recently developed, treasured holiday custom!


prep Time: Fifteen mins


Liquid Mixture: Ten Mins


Cook Time : Forty Five Mins


Recipe By; sanchita Dey




Two cups of all-purpose flour serve as the cake’s foundation, providing it structure and texture.

One cup of softened salted butter gives the cake extra wetness and richness.

1/2 cup of granulated or powdered sugar: This sweetens the cake and counteracts the apricot’s bitterness.

Two room-temperature eggs bind the ingredients together and help to form the structure of the cake.

One teaspoon of baking powder is used as a leavening agent to aid in the cake’s rising.

One teaspoon of vanilla extract: This improves the cake’s flavour in general.

One cup of chopped dried apricots adds a naturally sweet and chewy texture.

One cup chopped walnuts add a nutty flavour and a crispy texture.

Cream cheese: To get the right amount of moisture and tang.

Raisins: Give the cake an additional sweetness

A fruitcake must have candied fruit.



Set the air fryer’s temperature to 400°F. Line one or two loaf pans with parchment paper and lightly spray with nonstick cooking spray. Put aside.

Add water, chopped apricots, raisins, and white sugar to a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring periodically, for ten minutes. Take it off the hob and let it to cool.

Meanwhile, cream vanilla extract, butter, and cream cheese together.

One by one, add both eggs, thoroughly mixing each one in.

Add the liquid-filled cooled apricot-raisin combination. Blend thoroughly. Mix well after adding the flour and baking powder.

Stir in the walnuts, peel, and cherries.

Spoon batter into the loaf pans that have been preheated.

To even out the batter, tap them on the counter.

For forty-five minutes, air fry. To test if the loaves are done, stick a toothpick into the centre; if it comes out clean, they are. If not, give it another ten minutes in the oven.

for ten more minutes.

After baking, remove the cakes from the pans and let cool on a wire cooling rack for twenty minutes.

Before slicing, let the cakes cool fully.

It’s time to serve your delectable apricot and walnut fruit cake.

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Select the Correct Pan: Make sure the pan fits snugly into the basket of your air fryer. Think about using a metal or silicone air fryer pan.

Before putting the cake into the air fryer, warm it just like you would in a regular oven. This promotes good rising and even cooking.

Modify the Time and Temperature: Compared to regular ovens, air fryers may cook at a slightly different temperature. As necessary, change the time and temperature. Start the cake at the temperature specified in your recipe and keep an eye on its development.

Check for doneness: To check for doneness, use a toothpick or cake tester. Start checking a few minutes before the time suggested in the recipe, as the cooking time could be less than in a conventional oven.

Prevent Overcrowding: Keep the air fryer basket from being too full when baking several cakes or batches. To ensure uniform cooking, make sure there is enough room for air movement.

Rotate the Pan: For consistent results, try turning the cake pan halfway through the cooking period if your air fryer has a tendency to cook food unevenly.

Preserve the Top: If the cake’s top begins to brown too soon, wrap it in aluminium foil and bake it for the remaining time. By doing this, you may avoid over browning while the interior cooks.

Grease the Pan: Use parchment paper or grease the cake pan to keep it from sticking. This makes it easier to remove the cake when it’s finished.

Soak Dried Fruits: Before adding dried apricots to the batter, soak them in a liquid (such as brandy or orange juice). This improves the flavour and adds moisture.

Cooling Time: Before moving the cake to a wire rack, let it cool in the pan for a few minutes. This keeps the cake from sticking and lets it set.

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