At sixty years old, I no longer have wrinkles Using cream from onion peels, my grandmother removed all of the wrinkles from her face.

At sixty years old, I no longer have wrinkles Using cream from onion peels, my grandmother removed all of the wrinkles from her face.

If you want a natural and quick way to fight wrinkles, this great cream made from onion peels is just what you need. At age 60, my grandmother swears by this fix because it makes her skin smooth again. Find out how to make this wonderful anti-aging cream at home and get skin that looks young and healthy.

Feels Good Two big onions’ worth of peels

  • One cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • One tablespoon of coconut oil
  • One tablespoon of beeswax
  • Two pills that are full of vitamin E


One should get the onion peel tea ready.

  • Put one cup of water in a small pot and bring it to a boil.
  • When the water starts to boil, add the onion peels. Turn down the heat and let it cook slowly for at least ten minutes.
  • Take it off the heat and pour the juice into a new container. Throw away the peels. Let the onion peel tea cool down.

2. Get the cream base ready:

  • Mix the olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax in a double pot until they melt. Gradually heat until everything melts and is well mixed.
  • Take the mixture off the heat and let it cool down slowly, but not so much that it solidifies.

3. Mix the Parts:

  • Pour the cooled onion peel infusion into the oil mixture little by little, stirring all the time to mix. The mixture should start to thicken slowly as it cools.
  • Once you’ve poked holes in the vitamin E pills, you can squeeze their contents into the liquid. Well mix to connect.

4. Put the cream away.

  • Put the cream in a clean, germ-free jar. Before you close the lids, let it cool all the way down.
  • Place the cream in the fridge. It might last two weeks.

How to Fill Out

  • Put some cream on your face and neck every night before bed. Use light, rolling strokes to rub it into your skin.
  • For best results, use the cream on a frequent basis. If you use it every day for a few weeks, your skin should start to feel better and lines should get less noticeable.
  • What Makes Up the Parts: onion peels Onion leaves fight free radicals that cause age and reduce inflammation
  • because they are full of quercetin and antioxidants.
  • Olive oil moisturizes and feeds the skin with vitamins and antioxidants. This makes the skin more flexible and less wrinkled.
  • Coconut oil makes skin soft and smooth and is known for its ability to keep it moist.
  • Beeswax protects the skin by adding a layer that keeps wetness in and keeps it from evaporating.
  • Vat E is a strong antioxidant that helps protect the skin from damage by fixing it.

To sum up
This cream made from onion leaves is a simple but effective way to get rid of wrinkles. The fact that my grandmother looks young at sixty shows how successful she was. Try using this natural cream as part of your skin care routine and see how much younger and smoother your skin looks. Look at this smooth, glowing face!


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