Banana and Cocoa Dessert

Banana and Cocoa Dessert A Delicious Treat Without Flour or Sugar

Bananas and chocolate make a tasty, nutritious, and speedy dessert that’s ideal for any occasion. This easy meal is full of nutrition and flavor, plus it’s devoid of flour and sugar. Here’s how to make a delicious dessert using just cocoa and bananas!


  1. Two fully ripe bananas
  2. Two teaspoons of cocoa powder without sugar added
  3. One teaspoon of optional vanilla extract
  4. A dash of cinnamon, if desired
  5. Dark chocolate chips or nuts (optional; adds flavor and texture)


1. Break up the Bananas:

  • After peeling, put the bananas in a bowl.
  • Mash them with a fork or potato masher until they have a creamy, smooth consistency.

2. Include the optional ingredients and cocoa.

  • Once the bananas are mashed, add the unsweetened cocoa powder and stir until evenly blended.
  • A teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of cinnamon, for a warming touch, can be added to improve the flavor.

3. Optional Supplements:

  • Crushed almonds or walnuts can be used for extra texture and flavor. You can also add a few dark chocolate chips (ideally without extra sugar) if you’d like.

4. Get ready to bake:

  • Set the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C).
  • Transfer the banana and cocoa blend onto a baking dish that has been greased or lined; an 8×8-inch dish works great for this.

5. Cook:

  • The dessert should be baked for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the top is hard and set.
  • Allow to cool for a few minutes, then cut into bars or squares.

6. Present:

  • Savor your delectable banana and chocolate dessert unadulterated, or add some more taste by dolloping it with whipped coconut cream or fresh berries.

Reasons to Enjoy This Dessert:

  • Naturally Sweet: Refined sugar is not necessary because bananas naturally provide sweetness.
  • Nuts are a great way to get a dose of healthy fats that will keep you feeling full.
  • Flourless: This dish is excellent for people on a low-carb or grain-free diet as it does not require flour, making it gluten-free.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: Antioxidants found in cocoa have the potential to lower inflammation and promote heart health.

This dessert of bananas and chocolate is a terrific way to sate your sweet tooth without sacrificing health or simplicity. For anyone searching for a guilt-free treat, this is ideal!

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