Bisquick Cinnamon Rolls

Bisquick Cinnamon Rolls

Made at home, these Bisquick cinnamon rolls are simple, eggless, and require no yeast! Ready in less than an hour, perfectly tender, and perfect for a family breakfast. Get the recipe for these mouthwatering cinnamon rolls with our detailed instructions.


  1.  2 1/4 cups Bisquick mix FOR THE ROLLS
  2. two and a third cups buttermilk
  3. 1/4 cup softened butter for filling
  4. 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  5. two tsp of cinnamon
  6. 1/3 cup heavy cream, warmed, for soaking

Regarding the freezing:

  1. One cup of sugar powder
  2. One tablespoon of melted butter
  3. Half a teaspoon of extract from vanilla beans
  4. One spoonful of heavy cream


  • Preheat the oven to 375°F.
  • Apply cooking spray to pie plate or 8-inch round cake pan.
  • Mix Bisquick and buttermilk in medium-sized bowl until soft dough forms.
  • Dust the counter or pastry mat with flour.
  • On the floured board, lay out the dough using rolling pin into an by 12 inch rectangle.
  • After spreading softened butter over the whole thing, mix with cinnamon and brown sugar. Roll the dough jelly roll style, starting from the long end. Using sharp knife or dental floss, cut the dough into six equal pieces.
  • Put the rolls, cut side up, in the baking dish that has been oiled. Drizzle the rolls with warmed heavy cream.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the middle roll is cooked through and not sticky, in a preheated oven. To check if a center roll is finished, pull up on its edge. After 20 minutes, check the rolls. Continue baking them with a loose foil cover if they start to brown too much.
  • Mix the powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, and cream in a small bowl. If additional cream is required to get the desired glaze consistency, drizzle it on. Drizzle the warm rolls with the glaze.

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