Enjoy Cherries in Winter, Just Like in Summer: Keep Them in a Jar

Enjoy Cherries in Winter, Just Like in Summer: Keep Them in a Jar

Though they are a great summer treat, cherries also have a delicious, juicy taste that you can enjoy even in the dead of winter. Cherries can be preserved in a jar and enjoyed all year long with a little preparation. Here’s how to preserve cherries so you can continue to enjoy them all summer long.

Why Should Cherries Be Preserved?

**1. Taste of Summer: By preserving cherries, you can continue to savor their bright flavor even in the winter.

**2. Packed with Nutrients: Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals abound in cherries, supporting overall health.

**3. Adaptable Usage: You may incorporate jarred cherries into a variety of recipes, ranging from breakfast dishes to desserts, to infuse your meals with a hint of summer sweetness.

How to Preserve Ingredients for Cherries:

  1. fresh cherries
  2. Sugar (for syrup, optional)
  3. Water
  4. Lemon juice (extra flavoring optional)
  5. Mason jars coverings


Choose and Get Ready the Cherries:

  • Select ripe, firm cherries. After giving them a good wash, cut off the stems. Using a tiny knife or a cherry pitter, pit the cherries.
  • Get the syrup ready (optional):
  • If you would rather your preserve sweeter, you can make a simple syrup in a saucepan by mixing one cup sugar and four cups water. Heat the mixture until the sugar is fully dissolved. Give it time to cool. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice for a tangy touch.
  • Fill the Jars:
  • Sterilize the Mason jars and fill them with the cherries, allowing a 1/2-inch headspace at the top. Pour the syrup (if using) over the cherries, being sure to cover them completely. If not, just add enough to the jars to water.
  • Close the Jars:
  • To guarantee a tight seal, use a clean cloth to wipe the jar rims. After putting the jar lids on, tighten the bands with a fingertip.
  • Handle the Jars:
  • Make sure the jars are completely submerged in a large kettle of boiling water before adding them. To make sure they are properly sealed, process them for around fifteen minutes. After removing the jars with care, allow them to cool on a towel.
  • Shop:
  • After the lids have cooled, use a pressure gauge to inspect the seals on each one. Should it fail to pop back, the jar is airtight. The sealed jars should be kept in a dark, cool place.

How to Use Your Jarred Cherries Desserts: For a pop of color, add jarred cherries to pies, cakes, or ice cream. taste of summer.

For breakfast, stir them into pancakes, oatmeal, or yogurt.

Snacks: Savor them as a sweet and wholesome snack right out of the jar.

In summary
Cherries preserved in jars are a great way to enjoy the taste of summer throughout the year. Even during the coldest months, you may take advantage of the health advantages and delectable taste of cherries with this easy procedure. This season, try canning cherries so you can enjoy a wonderful taste of summer anytime you want!

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