Homemade Syrup to Stop Cough in 1 Day

Homemade Syrup to Stop Cough in 1 Day and Clean Lungs in 3 Days – Bay Leaves and Onion

With just a few days, this natural cough syrup produced with onion and bay leaves can clear your lungs and put an end to your coughing fits. Due to their potent anti-inflammatory and expectorant qualities, these substances are great for relieving cough symptoms, removing mucus, and enhancing respiratory health.


  1. 3–4 dried or fresh bay leaves
  2. One large onion, cut into slices
  3. two cups of water
  4. Three tablespoons of honey (optional; adds sweetness and calming effects)
  5. One lemon juiced (optional, for an additional vitamin C boost)


Step 1: Get the bay leaves and onion ready.

  • Cut the Onion in Half: Slice the onion thinly, either into rings or wedges after peeling.
  • Bring the Water to a Boil: Two cups of water should be brought to a boil in a medium saucepan.

Step 2: Include the Substances

  • Add the onion and bay leaves: Add the bay leaves and sliced onion to the saucepan once the water reaches a boiling point.
  • Reduce: Lower the temperature and let the mixture to gently simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. This will allow the onion’s and the bay leaves’ health benefits to seep into the water.

Step 3: Let the syrup drain

  • Pour the Mixture Through a Strainer: Once the saucepan has reached a simmer, turn off the heat and let it to cool for a few minutes. Remove the particles from the liquid by straining it into a fresh dish or jar.

Step 4: Enhance and Sweeten (Optional)

  • Optionally, add some honey and lemon.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of honey to the mixture once it has cooled slightly for extra sweetness and calming effects. Moreover, honey soothes coughs and coats the throat.
  • For an additional vitamin C boost that will fortify the immune system and improve lung cleansing, you may also add the juice of one lemon.

Step 5: Utilize and Store

  • Keep the syrup refrigerated: Put the syrup in a lidded, spotless glass jar. Store it in the fridge for a maximum of five days.


  • To stop coughing and cleanse your lungs, take 1 tablespoon of the syrup every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
  • Lower the dosage for kids to one teaspoon every two to three hours.

How Operates:

  • Bay leaves: These leaves contain anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial qualities. They function as an organic expectorant, aiding in mucus liquification and respiratory tract clearing. Additionally, bay leaves relieve sore throats and lessen coughing.
  • Onion: Packed with sulfur-containing chemicals, onions have strong expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. They strengthen the immune system to combat infections while aiding in the breakdown of mucus and lung clearance.
  • Honey: Honey calms the throat and lessens coughing naturally, acting as a cough suppressant. Fighting respiratory infections is another benefit of its antibacterial qualities.
  • Lemon (Optional): Packed with vitamin C, lemons strengthen their immune systems and aid in respiratory tract cleansing.

Benefits of This Syrup for Health:

  • Stops Cough in One Day: The mixture of honey, onion, and bay leaves soothes and lessens irritation in the throat, offering immediate relief from coughing.
  • Clears Lungs in 3 Days: Onions and bay leaves have expectorant qualities that aid in the removal of mucus from the lungs, relieving congestion and facilitating breathing.
  • Boosts Immunity: The high antioxidant and vitamin C content of onions and lemons helps the body fight off infections and colds by strengthening the immune system.
  • Natural and Safe: When used in the recommended amounts, this home medicine is safe for both adults and children and contains no hazardous chemicals.

In summary:

  • This homemade syrup with onions and bay leaves is an easy-to-use yet effective natural cough cure that also helps to clear the lungs. You can get rapid relief from respiratory problems thanks to these substances’ anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and immune-boosting qualities. Try this simple syrup to help clear your throat, lessen coughing, and improve your breathing!

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