Make your own homemade cheese at home in just 15 minutes.

Make your own homemade cheese at home in just 15 minutes.

What You’ll Need

  1. 1 liter of whole milk
  2. 3 tablespoons of lemon juice or white vinegar
  3. Salt (to taste)
  4. A cheesecloth or a fine strainer
  5. A large pot

Let’s Make Cheese!

  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into your large pot and slowly heat it on the stove. You’ll want to bring it to a near-boil, just before it starts to bubble. Be sure to stir occasionally to prevent burning.
  2. Add Lemon Juice or Vinegar: Once the milk is hot, add the lemon juice or vinegar and give it a gentle stir. You’ll see the milk curdle almost immediately – that’s your cheese beginning to form!
  3. Let it Sit: Turn off the heat and let the pot sit for about 10 minutes. During this time, the curds (solid parts) will separate from the whey (liquid part).
  4. Strain the Curds: Line a colander with cheesecloth or use a fine strainer and gently pour the mixture through it. The curds that remain in the cheesecloth are your fresh cheese!
  5. Season Your Cheese: Add a pinch of salt to the cheese, or any other seasonings you fancy. Mix gently to combine.

Press and Cool: For a firmer cheese, press the curds gently to remove more whey. Then, let your cheese cool. You can use it immediately or store it in the refrigerator.

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