Quick and easy homemade bread

Quick and easy homemade bread My bread-buying habits have changed.Thanks to a simple and delicious recipe, learning how to make fresh bread has never been easier. This technique, which my grandfather taught me, demonstrates that making bread from scratch doesn’t have to take all day. If you’re up for the task and enjoy baking, try making your own bread the next time you go grocery shopping rather of purchasing it from the bread department. Here’s a comprehensive recipe for making this delicious dish.



To activate to the yeast.

For the first mixture,



  1. To activate the yeast, first mix 1/4 cup of warm water with the dried yeast in a bowl. You must sit still for a few minutes throughout the activation process.
  2. Prepare the Base Mixture: Place the yeast mixture and 1/3 cup all-purpose flour in a separate bowl. Once everything is well combined, cover and place in a warm location to start the fermentation process.
  3. In a large basin, mix the sugar, salt, and 1 1/4 cups warm water to make the dough. Incorporate the yeast/flour blend from Step 2 and blend thoroughly. Sift 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour as you progressively add it to avoid lumps.
  4. Knead together the ingredients to get a smooth dough. Put aside to get up. After kneading, cover the dough and let it rest in a warm location. Look, the fact that its size has doubled indicates that the ascension was successful.
  5. After the dough has risen, form and prove it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Form it into a loaf and sprinkle some sugar on top. Allow it to proof in a warm location for the last rise, which will add volume and texture.
  6. Preheat the oven to 482°F, or 250°C, and then reduce the temperature to 410°F, or 210°C, while the bread is baking. This will ensure the ideal bake. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the crust is golden brown and the aroma of the perfume permeates the space.
  7. You will get a loaf of bread and a small token of handmade happiness if you follow these directions. Evidence that good bread can be produced with minimal effort, staple ingredients, and heat instead of complex methods and hours of preparation. Once you try this simple and tasty method, you could be convinced, as I was, that buying bread is not necessary.

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