Air Fryer Lemon Cake with Lemon Filling

Air Fryer Lemon Cake with Lemon Filling

This Lemon Cake with Lemon Filling and Lemon Butter Frosting is the dessert of your dreams if you like lemons. Flavoured with a rich, creamy icing and bursting with zesty lemon flavour, this cake is ideal for any occasion or as a special treat. This cake will wow both family and friends with its light and fluffy texture. Make a beautiful lemon cake that is delicious and appealing to the eyes by using this recipe.
  • For the Cake:
    1. 3 cups all-purpose flour
    2. 3 teaspoons baking powder
    3. 1 teaspoon salt
    4. 1/3 cup butter
    5. 1 1/4 cups white sugar
    6. 4 eggs
    7. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    8. 1 cup milk
    9. 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • For the Lemon Filling:
    1. 1 tablespoon lemon zest
    2. 1/3 cup lemon juice
    3. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
    4. 5 tablespoons butter
    5. 3/4 cup sugar
    6. 4 egg yolks
  • For the Lemon Butter Frosting:
    1. 3 cups confectioners’ sugar
    2. 1/3 cup butter
    3. 3 tablespoons lemon juice
    4. 1 teaspoon lemon zest
    5. 2-3 tablespoons milk


  1. Set up the pans and air fryer:
    Set your air fryer to 180°C or 360°F. Set aside two 7-inch round cake pans that have been greased and floured.
  2. Combine the dry ingredients:
    Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium-sized bowl. Put this mixture away.
  3. Cream Butter and Sugar:                                                                            Beat the butter and sugar in a large basin for about six minutes, or until the mixture is light and fluffy. One egg at a time, beat in, and then mix in the vanilla essence. Gradually stir in the flour mixture, beginning and finishing with the flour mixture, alternating with the milk. Stir just until combined.
  4. Prepare the Cake:
    Using the prepared pans, divide the batter equally. A toothpick put into the centre should come out clean after around 35 minutes of baking in the preheated air fryer. After 15 minutes of cooling the cakes in the pans on wire racks, turn the cakes over to finish cooling on the racks.
  5. Get the lemon filling ready.
    1 tablespoon lemon zest, 1/3 cup lemon juice, and 1 tablespoon cornflour should all be combined in a medium pot. Blend until well combined.            Add the 3/4 cup sugar and 5 tablespoons butter, whisking continuously, and bring to a boil over medium heat.                                                                After one minute of boiling, turn off the heat. Whisk the egg yolks in a small bowl until smooth, then gently stir in a little bit of the heated lemon mixture. Return the egg mixture to the pot and continue to beat. Lower the heat to low and whisk continuously for about five minutes, or until the mixture thickens. Keep it from boiling. Transfer the blend into a medium-sized bowl, cover the surface with plastic wrap immediately to avoid the formation of a skin, and allow it to reach room temperature. Keep chilled for a minimum of two hours.
  6. In a large basin, blend together 3 cups confectioners’ sugar, 1/3 cup butter, 3 tablespoons lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon lemon zest to create the Lemon Butter Frosting. As necessary, add more milk to get the right consistency. Once you get a light and fluffy consistency, increase the pace and keep beating.
  7. Put the Cake Together:
    Split each cake layer horizontally with a long, serrated knife to make five layers total. Arrange one layer onto a serving platter, cut side up. Cover it with half of the lemon filling. Place a second cake layer on top, and then cover it with 1/3 cup of the lemon frosting. After adding the third layer, distribute the leftover lemon filling. After placing the last layer of cake on top, use the leftover lemon frosting to frost the cake’s edges and top. Cake should be chilled until ready to serve.

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