Spinach and Ricotta Rolls

Spinach and Ricotta Rolls


  1. 225 grams of spinach leaves Review the Explanation
  2. Half a sheet of puff pastry
  3. Two eggs
  4. 300 grams of ricotta cheese and 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese
  5. Pumpkin Seeds
  6. Season with salt and pepper.


  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  2. Cook in a covered pot for seven to ten minutes, or until the spinach leaves wilt.
  3. Press the spinach through a sieve to ensure proper drainage. Let the spinach cool for a little while.
  4. In a shallow bowl, toss together the spinach, ricotta, parmesan, egg, salt, and pepper. Make careful to thoroughly combine everything.
  5. The thawed puff pastry sheet should be sliced in half lengthwise with a sharp knife to create two long rectangles.
  6. Roll out the crust and distribute the contents lengthwise to form a log shape.
  7. Make a third division in the logs. If you would want the rolls smaller, divide them into four equal half.
  8. Place each roll on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Brush the rolls with a little beaten egg before sprinkling with sesame seeds.
  9. They should get golden brown in the oven after 20 to 25 minutes.

HINT: Baby spinach was my choice. Before cooking, always remove the stems from a bunch of spinach. Alternatively, you may use frozen spinach. Simply use the same procedures to prepare spinach that has been frozen.

Have fun!

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