Butter Pecan Keto Ice Cream

Butter Pecan Keto Ice Cream


Regarding the Ice Cream:

  1. Two cups of heavy cream
  2. One cup of unsweetened coconut or almond milk
  3. Half a cup of powdered erythritol, or your favorite sweetener that is keto-friendly
  4. One teaspoon vanilla extract
  5. Four huge yolks from eggs
  6. 1/4 cup butter, ideally from grass-fed cows
  7. chopped pecans, 3/4 cup
  8. A dash of salt


1. Let the pecans toast:

  • Melt the butter in a small skillet over a medium heat. Add a dash of salt along with the chopped pecans. Cook, stirring periodically, until the pecans become fragrant and brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Take off the heat source and leave it to cool.

2. Get the ice cream base ready:

  • The almond milk and heavy cream should be combined in a saucepan. Don’t let it boil; instead, heat it to a gentle simmer over medium heat.

3. Beat the Yolks Out:

  • Whisk the egg yolks and powdered erythritol in a another bowl until the mixture is smooth and has a hint of color.

4. Calm the Yolks in the Egg:

  • While whisking continuously, slowly add about 1/2 cup of the heated cream mixture into the egg yolks. This keeps the eggs from curdling and helps to temper them. Next, gradually return the egg mixture, whisking constantly, to the saucepan containing the remaining cream.

5. Condense the Concoction:

  • Stirring frequently, cook the mixture over low heat until it thickens slightly and coats the back of a spoon, which should take approximately three to five minutes. Keep it from boiling to prevent scrambling of the eggs.

6. Include vanilla

  • After taking the pot off of the burner, whisk in the vanilla essence. Give the mixture ten to fifteen minutes to cool.

7. Let the Blend Cool:

  • Cover and chill the mixture for at least two to four hours, or overnight. This stage is crucial for bringing out the flavors and guaranteeing a smooth consistency.

8. Whisk the frozen yogurt:

  • Once the liquid has cooled, transfer it to an ice cream maker and process it as directed by the manufacturer, which should take between 20 to 30 minutes.

9. Include the pecans:

  • Stir in the buttered pecans during the last five minutes of churning. Let them blend in evenly.

10. Let the ice cream cool:

  • To firm up the ice cream, transfer it to an airtight container and freeze it for at least two hours.


  • If you’d like, top your scoop of Butter Pecan Keto Ice Cream with additional toasted nuts!


  • Lacking an Ice Cream Maker: Transfer the cold mixture into a shallow dish and freeze it, moving it every 30 minutes for two to three hours to break up any ice crystals.
  • Sweetener: Powdered erythritol is the ideal option for a smooth texture, but you can modify the sweetness to your preference.
  • Storage: For up to a week, keep any leftovers in the freezer in an airtight container. Since keto ice cream tends to solidify more quickly than traditional ice cream, let it sit at room temperature for five to ten minutes before scooping.

Rich and buttery, this Butter Pecan Keto Ice Cream is ideal for a guilt-free low-carb treat!

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