The Famous Cake That Drives You Crazy

The Famous Cake That Drives You Crazy! This Secret from My Grandmother

Let me describe the scene for you: It’s a leisurely Sunday afternoon, and you have a sweet tooth. However, it just feels too intimidating to spend hours in the kitchen making a cake. Do not be alarmed; I have the answer! In just fifteen minutes, you may have a delicious cake prepared using this recipe. You read correctly—fifteen minutes! Now, prepare to go on a culinary journey that will make your taste buds tingle with ecstasy by rolling up your sleeves.

Ingredients Let’s look at what you’ll need to make this amazing cake before getting into the specifics of the preparation process:

Regarding the Cream:

  1. One egg
  2. 50 grams, or 1.7 ounces, of caster sugar
  3. Ten grams, or 0.4 ounces, of vanilla sugar
  4. 15 grams or 0.4 ounces of maize starch
  5. 250 ml, or one cup, of milk

Regarding the Dough:

  • two eggs
  • 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces, of caster sugar
  • One dash of salt
  • 3.5 ounces (100 milliliters) of milk
  • 50 milliliters (1.7 fluid ounces) of sunflower vegetable oil
  • Six ounces (about 170 grams) flour
  • One-teaspoon baking powder
  • 50 grams, or 1.7 ounces, of ground almonds
  • 50 grams, or 1.7 ounces, of almond flakes
  • granulated sugar

Making Cream

Let’s begin by making the deliciously creamy frosting that will make our cake shine:

  • Crack the egg into a pot that fits. Add the milk, cornflour, vanilla, and caster sugars. To make the components uniform, mix them together.
  • After putting the pot on medium-high heat, keep stirring until the cream gets thicker. When it’s finished, transfer it into a glass container and place food film over it. Let it cool down fully.

Getting Ready for Dough

Let’s go on to the dough, which serves as our cake’s base:

  • Crack the eggs into a large bowl and season with salt and sugar. Beat the ingredients on high speed in a mixer until they froth and turn white. This could require three to four minutes.
  • Pour the milk and vegetable oil into the mixture in a thin stream and stir again.
  • Pour the baking powder and flour straight into the bowl and sift. Using a silicone spatula, mix in the ground almonds and mix the dough thoroughly. Everything should be thoroughly mixed to produce a lump-free, creamy dough.

Making the Cake

Now that the cream and dough are prepared, let’s make our cake:

  • Pour the dough onto a rectangle baking dish that has been lined with parchment paper, making sure to distribute it evenly. For an added crunch, top with almond flakes.
  • Pour the chilled cream into a pastry bag, then press your palm down to press a mesh of cream onto the dough’s surface.
  • Preheat the oven to 170°C. Bake the dessert for about 40 minutes, or until it is cooked through and golden brown.

Serving and Gratitude

  • Congratulations! You’ve just finished baking a scrumptious cake in a flash! The only thing left to accomplish is:
  • After taking the cake out of the oven, place it on a dish.
    For the last touch, dust the top with powdered sugar.
    Cut it into serving-sized portions and enjoy each taste immensely!

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