Air Fryer Garlic Steak Bites and Potatoes

Air Fryer Garlic Steak Bites and Potatoes

Using your air fryer to make Air Fryer Garlic Steak Bites and Potatoes is a great way to enjoy a substantial and savory supper. This dish promises crispy potatoes and delicate meat bits enhanced with flavor from garlic and herbs. This is how to achieve it:

Bites of garlic steak and potatoes air-fried Ingredients:

  1. One pound of bite-sized chunks of sirloin steak
  2. Peel and chop three to four medium potatoes into tiny chunks.
  3. Four tsp olive oil
  4. four minced garlic cloves
  5. A single tsp of dried thyme
  6. One tsp of dehydrated rosemary
  7. To taste, add salt and pepper.
  8. Chopped fresh parsley (optional garnish)


First step: Get the ingredients ready.

  • Warm up the air fryer. For around five minutes, preheat your air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
  • Get the potatoes and steak ready: Place the potato and steak cubes in a big basin.
    Pour on some olive oil and stir to ensure uniform coating.
  • Step 2: Add herbs and garlic for seasoning
    Add the herbs and garlic:
  • Season the steak and potatoes with salt, pepper, dried thyme, and dry rosemary.
  • Repeat tossing until the spices are equally distributed throughout the steak and potatoes.
  • Step 3: Cooking with an Air Fryer
    Cook in Groups:
  • To get uniform frying and a crispy quality, you might need to cook in batches, depending on how big your air fryer basket is.
  • In the air fryer basket, arrange the seasoned steak and potato cubes in a single layer, allowing space between them to allow for air circulation.
  • Air fry: Shake the food for 12 to 15 minutes at 400°F (200°C). the basket halfway through cooking, or until the potatoes are crispy and golden and the steak is cooked to your preferred doneness.
  • Step 4: Present and Garnish:
    After they are done, move the potatoes and garlic steak bits to a serving platter.
  • If preferred, add some chopped fresh parsley as a garnish for some more taste and freshness.
  • Have fun:
  • Serve hot as a filling starter or as a main course.

Success Advice:

  • Doneness of Steak: To get the desired level of doneness for your steak, adjust the cooking time. Check the internal temperature using a meat thermometer (135°F / 57°C for medium-rare).
  • Potato Size: To guarantee equal cooking, make sure the potato cubes are chopped into uniform sizes.
  • Variations in Air Fryer: Depending on the type of air fryer you have, cooking times might change. the batches’ dimensions. To avoid overcooking, keep a tight eye on things as they are cooking.
  • Customization: To suit your tastes, feel free to add extra seasonings or veggies, such as bell peppers or onions.
    This dish for Air Fryer Garlic Steak Bites with Potatoes is tasty, easy to make, and a great way to have a filling dinner quickly. Savor the flavorful fusion of crispy potatoes and tender steak that are cooked to perfection in your air fryer thanks to the addition of garlic and herbs!

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