Air Fryer Roasted Garlic

Air Fryer Roasted Garlic

Roasted garlic turns a pungent bulb into a sweet, nutty, buttery treat. Perfect for adding depth and richness to many foods. Air fryers roast garlic rapidly and evenly, creating a caramelized, melt-in-your-mouth quality without an oven. This dish is perfect for those who prefer rich, roasted garlic without the oven. Start air-frying roasted garlic!


  1. A head of garlic
  2. 1 Tbsp olive oil
  3. A pinch of salt
  4. A pinch of black pepper

Instructions in detail

1. Prepare Garlic

  • Cut off the top 1/4 inch of the garlic head to reveal the cloves. This lets heat reach the garlic for consistent roasting. Once roasted, garlic skin will be soft and easy to remove.

2. Season garlic

  • Apply olive oil on exposed garlic. Using fingers or a little brush, get oil into the cloves. Add a little salt and black pepper. Garlic roasts evenly and tastes great with oil.

3. Wrap Garlic

  • Protect the garlic head with aluminum foil. This traps heat and moisture, tenderizing and sweetening garlic. Seal the foil to prevent steam escape.

4. Preheat Air Fryer

  • Pre-heat your air fryer for 3-5 minutes at 360°F (182°C). Preheating evenly roasts garlic for the optimal texture.

5. Cook garlic

  • Wrap the garlic head and place in the air fryer. Cook 15-20 minutes at 360°F (182°C). Garlic size and air fryer model affect cooking time. Soft garlic cloves that can be punctured with a fork or knife are done.

6. Verify Finish

  • Be careful with hot steam when unwrapping the garlic after cooking. Squeeze a clove to check doneness; it should be soft and fork-maskable. Rewrap and cook for 5 more minutes if not soft enough.

7. Cool and Use

  • Cool roasted garlic before handling. Squeeze or fork the garlic cloves out of their skins when it’s cold enough to touch. Garlic can be eaten now or preserved.

How to Roast Garlic Perfectly

  • Choose Fresh Garlic: Fresh garlic heads work best. Firm garlic with tight, dry skin.
  • Try adding herbs, lemon zest, or chili flakes for a unique taste.
  • Store roasted garlic in an airtight container in the fridge for a week. It can be frozen for 3 months. Put roasted cloves in a freezer bag or container.

Uses for Roasted Garlic

Roasted garlic gives many recipes a deep, sweet flavour. Ideas for using it in meals:

  • For a great garlic toast, mash roasted garlic and spread it on crusty bread.
  • Roasted garlic adds depth and complexity to pasta sauces.
  • Mash Potatoes: Add roasted garlic for a creamy, flavorful twist.
  • Mix roasted garlic into hummus, aioli, or cheese spreads for flavour.
  • Roasted veggies and soups and stews benefit from roasted garlic.


  • Air fryer roasted garlic is a fast and easy way to get that great, sweet, and nutty flavour. A few basic ingredients and minimum preparation may give you the rich taste of roasted garlic in a quarter of the time. This air fryer method is a game-changer for garlic aficionados, whether they use it in recipes or eat it alone.

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