Cake in 15 minutes The famous cake that drives the whole world crazy Better than apple pie

Cake in 15 minutes! The famous cake that drives the whole world crazy! Better than apple pie

Imagine this: You have a sweet tooth, but you don’t want to slave away in the kitchen for hours on end. Do not be alarmed! The day is saved by this 15-minute cake recipe. Simple ingredients and quick instructions will have you enjoying a tasty, moist cake in no time.

Components of the cake:

  1. One and a half cups (200 g) of flour
  2. Seven tsp (or almost 100 ml) of seed oil
  3. 1 tablespoon (75 g) of powdered sweetener subtracted
  4. from 3/4 cup (or 3/4 cup (150 g) of regular sugar)
  5. 1 1/2 tablespoons plus 1/4 cup (or roughly 70 ml) milk
  6. One and a half tsp baking powder
  7. One and a half tsp vanilla sugar
  8. three eggs
  9. One dash of salt
  10. Sufficient powdered sugar for dusting

Regarding the cream:

  1. 8.8 ounces (about 250 grams) of mild cheese, such light cream cheese
  2. One tsp vanilla sugar
  3. Two tablespoons of ordinary sugar
  4. or two teaspoons of powdered sweetness
  5. One tablespoon of cornflour
  6. One egg

Getting ready:

Creating the Dough

  • Blending the Cake
  • Crack those eggs into a bowl to start things off. Whisk in your preferred sweetener and a little amount of salt until foamy. Add the oil and milk next, then the flour, baking powder, and vanilla sugar in that order. In order to prevent lumps, fully mix.

Getting the Mold Ready

  • Pour the batter into a 22 x 22 centimeter square mold lined with parchment paper, leveling it out. Put it away for the time being.
  • Making the Creamy Goodness in Advance
    Mix the light cheese, egg, sweetener, and corn starch in a bowl.
  • and sugar with vanilla. Blend till creamy and smooth. To make application easier, transfer the mixture into a piping bag.
  • Putting the Cake Together and Decorating with Cream
    The exciting part is about to begin! Garnish the cake batter in a checkerboard design using the piping bag. Use your imagination while creating your design!
  • Cake Baking: The Baking Time
    Set the oven to 180°C and bake the cake for thirty to thirty-five minutes. When finished, take it out of the mold and give it a dusting of icing sugar for decoration.

In summary
You can whip up a cake that rivals even the most labor-intensive sweets in only fifteen minutes. This cake, with its creamy topping and airy texture, is destined to become a family favorite. Bid farewell to extended baking sessions and hello to short, tasty confections!

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