Egg and Cheese Stuffed Baglama Bread

Egg and Cheese Stuffed Baglama Bread

Turkish flatbread, known as baglama, is soft, slightly chewy, and has a beautiful golden crust. Stuffed with a delectable blend of eggs and cheese, this bread transforms into a filling and substantial dish that can be enjoyed for breakfast, brunch, or even a light dinner. This is a comprehensive recipe for Baglama Bread stuffed with eggs and cheese.


For the Bread Baglama:

  1. 300 g or 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  2. 240 ml or 1 cup of warm water
  3. For more softness, feel free to add one tablespoon (15 g) of plain yoghurt.
  4. 12 g (1 tablespoon) sugar
  5. One tsp (6 g) salt
  6. One-tsp (4g) of instant yeast
  7. 30 ml or two teaspoons of olive oil (for brushing)

Regarding the Cheese and Egg Filling:

  • Four big eggs
  • One cup (one hundred grammes) of shredded cheese (feta, mozzarella, or cheddar work nicely)
  • Chopped green onions, ¼ cup (25 g) (optional)
  • To taste, add salt and pepper.
  • Olive oil or butter (to cook the eggs)
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill, etc., optional garnish)


Preparing Bread for Baglama:

Get the dough ready:

  • Mix the sugar, instant yeast, and warm water together in a large mixing dish. Allow it to sit for five to ten minutes, or until foamy, which indicates that the yeast is active.
  • To the yeast mixture, add the flour, yoghurt (if using), and salt. Stir to produce a soft dough. On a surface dusted with flour, knead the dough for five to seven minutes, or until it becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Reposition the dough in the bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it double in size—about an hour—in a warm location.

Form the Baglama:

  • Punch down the dough to release the air once it has risen. Cut the dough into four equal portions.
  • After forming each portion into a ball, flatten it into a circular disc that is about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) thick using your hands or a rolling pin.

Prepare the Baglama:

  • A cast-iron pan or nonstick skillet should be heated to medium heat. Spread some olive oil on one side of the flattened dough.
  • Turn the dough onto the hot skillet, oil side down. Simmer for two to three minutes, or until the bottom is golden brown and bubbles begin to appear on the surface. Once the opposite side is brown and well cooked, heat it for a further two to three minutes after brushing it with olive oil.
  • Continue doing this with the remaining dough pieces. Cover the cooked Baglama with a fresh kitchen towel to keep it warm.

Preparing the Cheese and Egg Filling:

Prepare the Eggs:

  • Melt a tablespoon of butter or olive oil in a medium-sized skillet over medium heat. After breaking open the eggs and adding salt and pepper to taste, cook them until they are barely set.
  • After taking the skillet off of the burner, add the chopped green onions and, if using, the shredded cheese. The cheese will melt from the residual heat, producing a creamy filling.

Putting the Stuffed Baglama Together:

Fill the Baglama with Stuff:

  • Gently cut a pocket in one of the cooked Baglama rounds by slicing it open horizontally, but don’t cut all the way through.
  • Fill pocket with a spoonful of the egg and cheese mixture. To guarantee that every bite has flavour, use a large amount of filling.


  • Garnish with fresh herbs, such as dill or parsley, if desired. Warm Egg and Cheese Stuffed Baglama should be served.

Serving Ideas:

  • For a well-balanced supper, serve alongside sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives.
  • An additional layer of flavour can be added with a drizzle of olive oil or a dollop of yoghurt on the side.
  • Match with a cup of coffee or tea for the ideal way to start the day.

Success Advice:

  • Warm Water: To successfully activate the yeast, make sure the water used for the dough is warm, not hot.
  • Resting the Dough: To achieve a light and fluffy texture, give the dough enough time to rise.
  • Filling Variations: You can add more ingredients to the filling, such as spinach, sautéed mushrooms, or other cheeses.

In summary

  • A delicious take on a traditional Turkish flatbread is the Egg and Cheese Stuffed Baglama Bread. This dish is pleasant and comforting because it has a thick, cheesy egg mixture paired with soft, toasty baglama. Serve it for brunch, breakfast, or anytime you just want to eat something tasty, and this recipe will quickly become a kitchen staple.

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