Eggless and Yeast-Free Fried Breadsticks with Chocolate Sauce

Eggless and Yeast-Free Fried Breadsticks with Chocolate Sauce

Ingredients for Dough:

  1. 300 grams of wheat flour (all purpose)
  2. and 8 grams of baking powder
  3. Three grammes of baking soda
  4. One tablespoon frying oil,
  5. 200 ml of chilled milk,
  6. and 1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 tsp pandan paste (to add taste and color)

Sauce de Chocolate:

  1. 150 milliliters of milk
  2. One spoonful of sugar
  3. One tsp of cocoa powder
  4. One tsp cornstarch and seventy-five grams dark chocolate


Get the dough ready:

  • Mix the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and all-purpose flour in a mixing dish.
  • To the dry ingredients, add the pandan paste, frying oil, and cold milk. Stir to produce a soft dough. Gently knead until smooth.
  • For ten to fifteen minutes, cover the dough with a clean towel and allow it to rest.

Form the breadsticks:

  1. Once the dough has rested, split it into little pieces. Roll every piece into
  2. a thin, rope-like strand that was 1/2 inch thick and 6–8 inches long.


  • In a deep pan or skillet, warm the oil over medium heat.
    When the oil is heated, carefully drop the breadsticks into it and cook until they are puffed and golden brown.
  • Fry in small batches as required.
  • After removing the fried breadsticks, set them on a platter covered with paper towels to absorb extra oil.

Sauce de Chocolate:

Get the sauce ready:

  • Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium heat.
    Combine the cornstarch, sugar, and cocoa powder in a small bowl.
  • Stir this blend into the heated milk.
    Stir constantly until the mixture becomes thick.
  • To the mixture that has thickened, add dark chocolate. Stir until the sauce is smooth and the chocolate has melted completely.
  • Present the fried Warm chocolate sauce with breadsticks for dipping.
  • Savor your delicious fried breadsticks with a creamy chocolate sauce that are free of eggs and yeast!

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