Base Ingredients:

  1. 250 grammes of Lotus biscuits
  2. 90g of butter
  3. 14 grammes of powdered gelatin, stuffed
  4. 70g cool whipped cream and 240g water
  5. 85 grammes of powdered sugar
  6. Standard Philadelphia cream cheese, 540 grammes
  7. One tsp of pasted vanilla
  8. 200 grammes of Lotus cookie cream


  1. 200 grammes of Lotus cookie cream
  2. three to four crumbled Lotus cookies

Base of preparation:

1. Using a Thermomix, crush the Lotus cookies.

2. Add melted butter to the crumbled biscuits. Mix until well combined.

3. Employ a 20 cm detachable mould. Line the bottom with parchment paper or, if possible, a cardboard disc (it will be simpler to take the cheesecake out of the mould after it’s finished). While we prepare the filling, push the mixture firmly into the mold’s bottom using your fingers and store it in the refrigerator.


  • In a glass, combine water and powdered gelatin. Give it ten minutes to rest.
  • Beat the cream until it forms soft peaks. Beat for a further twenty seconds after adding the sugar.
  • Until light and smooth, beat together cheese, vanilla, and biscuit cream. Use the flat blades and beat slowly if using a kitchen robot to ensure that no air gets inside. Gradually add the cream and stir at a moderate speed until the mixture is smooth.
  • Microwave the glass containing the gelatin for 15 seconds. Allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes before adding two teaspoons to the gelatin. Gently stir until well blended. Stir once more after adding the gelatin to the remaining mixture.
  • Fill the mould, use a kitchen spatula to level the top, and freeze for half an hour.


  • In the microwave, melt the biscuit cream and drizzle it over the cake.
  • Refrigerate the cake for a minimum of six hours. Using your fingers, dust the edges of the surface with crushed cookie crumbs to decorate.

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