Mango Panna Cotta

Mango Panna Cotta

Hi there, pals. How are things going for you? This year’s summer seems to be approaching quickly. It’s just June, yet we’ve already experienced a couple days in the nineties. It’s obvious that we’ll need a ton of no-bake treats to stay cool over the summer. Today, I’m sharing with you my Mango Panna Cotta dessert ingredients, which are a gorgeous blend of creamy and sweet flavors.


  1. two cups pureed mango
  2. One cup of full milk split among 2.5 tsp of gelatin
  3. One cup of heavy cream
  4. 1/2 cup of sugar, granulated


Regarding the mango stratum

  • Pour two teaspoons of warm water into a small bowl. After adding one teaspoon of gelatin to the water, let it sit for roughly ten minutes.
    With a small pot on the stove,
  • Warm up the gelatin and mango puree you made earlier. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • After tilting your glasses to a 45-degree angle, fill them with the mango puree, and refrigerate for approximately four hours.
  • For the layer of cream
  • Pour two teaspoons of warm water into a small bowl. After adding the final 1.5 tsp of gelatin to the water, let it settle for roughly ten minutes.
  • Cream, sugar, and milk should all be combined in a small pot over low heat. Heat to a low simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. Avoid boiling.
  • Mix the milk mixture with the prepared gelatin. Stir thoroughly until dissolved. Give the mixture ten to fifteen minutes to cool.
  • Prior to adding the milk, check to see if the mango puree has set properly.
  • After adding the milk mixture, refrigerate for at least four hours to allow it to set.
  • Top with additional fresh mangoes and serve.

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