Onion Tea – Tea for Bad Cough

Onion Tea – Tea for Bad Cough (Home Remedy)

Onion tea could be the ideal cure if you have a severe cough and wish to take a natural approach to clearing your throat. For years, people have turned to onion tea as a natural cure for chronic coughs and congestion. This easy-to-make tea will soothe your cough and improve the health of your respiratory system.

The Reasons Onion Tea Is Effective

  • Onions: Packed with sulfur compounds and antioxidants, onions naturally relieve inflammation, fight bacteria, and function as an expectorant. They facilitate breathing, lessen throat discomfort, and break up mucus.

How to Prepare Onion Tea to Treat a Cold

  • Making this at-home treatment is simple and only requires a few ingredients:


  1. One large onion, diced and peeled
  2. two glasses of water
  3. Skip the honey if you’re trying to avoid sugar.
  4. Lemon (optional; adds extra C to the diet)


  • Fill a kettle halfway full of boiling water.
  • Lower the heat and add the chopped onion to the boiling water. Simmer it for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • After straining the mixture to get rid of the onion bits, transfer the tea into a mug.
  • Optional: For added calming effects, squeeze some lemon juice and add a teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink the tea gradually so that it coats your throat and soothes your cough.

The Benefits of Onion Tea

  • Reduces Coughing and Clears Congestion: Onion tea helps break up mucus in the lungs by releasing and expelling it.
  • Soothes the Throat: The heated tea eases sore throats and lowers inflammation, which stops chronic coughing.
  • Boosts Immunity: Packed with nutrients and anti-inflammatory properties, onions hasten the healing process from respiratory ailments and colds.

An All-Natural Remedies for UTIs

  • A simple, efficient home cure for a nasty cough is onion tea, which can act quickly to relieve symptoms. You can make a calming tea that eases throat irritation and congestion with only a few ingredients. The next time you have a cough, try this natural cure and benefit from onion tea’s therapeutic properties!

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