Recipe for Creamy Potato Bake

This delicious Creamy Potato Bake recipe is ideal as an accompaniment to holiday feasts, get-togethers with family, or any time you’re seeking comfort food. Potatoes are roasted till soft and golden after being thinly sliced and covered in a creamy, rich sauce. This is a really easy recipe to make, yet it tastes rich and delicious.

Creamy Potato Bake: 

Layers of soft potatoes cooked in a thick, garlicky cream sauce make a Creamy Potato Bake the ideal comfort dish. While the middle stays creamy and velvety, the top becomes golden and somewhat crispy. This is a really adaptable side dish that tastes well on its own as a filling vegetarian alternative or paired with roasts or grilled meats.


  • 4 large russet or Yukon gold potatoes (about 2 lbs), peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 cups heavy cream (or half-and-half for a lighter version)
  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese (optional, for extra richness)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (optional, for topping)
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon butter (for greasing the dish)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg (optional)
  • Fresh parsley or chives (for garnish)


Getting the Potatoes Ready
Warm up the oven: Turn the oven on to 375°F, or 190°C. Apply butter grease to a 9 x 13-inch baking dish.
Get the potatoes ready:

Potatoes should be peeled and finely sliced (approximately 1/8-inch thick). Although a mandoline slicer is a good tool for getting uniformly thin slices, you may also cut them by hand with a sharp knife.

Preparing the Creamy Sauce

Get the Cream Mixture Ready:
Add the nutmeg (if using), minced garlic, heavy cream, salt, and pepper to a medium pot. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring from time to time. When it starts to simmer, turn off the heat.
Cheese Addition (Optional):
If you want the sauce to taste even more cheesy, stir in the parmesan cheese. Mix until smooth and melted.
Putting the Potato Bake Together
Arrange the potatoes in layers:
In the baking dish that has been prepared, arrange half of the sliced potatoes in a uniform layer. Make sure the potatoes are uniformly covered by pouring half of the cream mixture over them. To create two layers, repeat with the remaining potatoes and cream mixture.
Add Toppings:

For a golden, cheesy crust, feel free to evenly scatter shredded cheddar cheese on top.
Baking the Potato Bake Bake:

Bake the dish for 45 minutes in a preheated oven, covered with aluminum foil. Once the potatoes are soft and the top is bubbling and golden, about another 20 to 25 minutes of baking is required. After 45 minutes, take off the foil.
Verify Doneness:
Stick a knife into the middle of the baked potatoes to see whether they are done. The potatoes are done when the knife inserts easily.
Serving Rest the Dish:

Before serving, let the creamy potato bake sit for ten minutes or so. This slightly thickens the sauce and facilitates serving.
Garnish and Serve: To add a pop of color and freshness, sprinkle some freshly cut parsley or chives on top. Warm it up as an accompaniment to your preferred main course.
Success Advice
Even Slicing: To guarantee consistent cooking, make an effort to slice the potatoes as evenly as you can. An excellent tool for this is a mandoline.
Cheesy Choices: Though the mild, nutty taste of the parmesan lends a unique touch to the sauce, you may also use other cheeses like gouda, mozzarella, or gruyère.
Prepare Ahead: The meal may be put together and chilled several hours in advance. Just reheat it to room temperature before putting it in the oven to bake.
Browning the Top: You may broil the dish for the last three to five minutes of baking if you want a crispier, more golden top.
In summary
A delicious and adaptable side dish that is sure to become a favorite at your dinner table is creamy potato bake. It’s warm, simple to prepare, and goes well with many different main courses.

Simple ingredients come together in this recipe to make a rich and creamy potato dish that will definitely please at any meal. Savor this dish with loved ones for a genuine comfort food experience!

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