Savory Vegetable Pinwheels

Savory Vegetable Pinwheels


Regarding the Filling:

  1. One cup softened cream cheese
  2. One cup of cheddar cheese, shredded
  3. One cup of freshly chopped spinach
  4. One little red bell pepper, chopped finely
  5. One little cucumber, chopped finely
  6. one grated carrot
  7. One teaspoon of garlic powder
  8. One teaspoon of onion powder
  9. To taste, add salt and pepper.

To Assemble:

  • Four big flour or whole wheat tortillas
  • Fresh herbs (parsley or dill, if desired)


1. Get the filling ready:

  • The softened cream cheese, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped spinach, grated carrot, cucumber, red bell pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt and pepper should all be combined in a mixing bowl. Until everything is uniformly incorporated, thoroughly mix.

2. Disperse the Filling:

  • On a spotless surface, place a tortilla. Leaving a thin border all the way around, evenly distribute roughly a quarter of the filling onto the tortilla.

3. Tortilla Roll:

  • Carefully roll the tortilla into a log shape, starting at one end. Continue this process with the remaining tortillas and filling.

4. Relax:

  • To firm up, wrap the rolled tortillas in plastic wrap and place them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

5. Cut and Present:

  • After the rolls are cold, cut them into 1-inch pinwheels by removing the plastic wrap.
  • Place in a serving plate and, if desired, top with fresh herbs.

These colorful, tasty, and appetizing vegetable pinwheels are ideal for picnics and celebrations. Have fun!

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