The Perfect Recipe Delicious Fried Oatmeal Patties with Banana and Yogurt

The Perfect Recipe Delicious Fried Oatmeal Patties with Banana and Yogurt

Imagine waking up to the scent of hot, freshly made oatmeal patties, preparing to entice your palate. This post will go over a straightforward yet wonderfully tasty recipe for fried oatmeal patties that is enhanced by the smoothness of yogurt and the sweetness of banana. These patties are certain to become a family favorite, whether you’re searching for a filling snack or a healthy breakfast alternative.


Gather the following materials for this culinary adventure:

  1. two eggs
  2. Eighty grams, or one-third cup, of plain yogurt
  3. 60 grams, or half a cup, of oats
  4. One ripe banana
  5. One spoonful of flour
  6. Olive oil for frying
  7. Taste, honey

Getting Ready

Let’s begin by completing these easy steps:

  • Crack the eggs and beat them.
  • smooth by placing the eggs in a big dish and beating them.
  • Pour in the white yogurt and stir in the beaten eggs to combine it with the oatmeal. Next, add the oatmeal little by little while stirring all the time.
  • Add Mashed Banana: Mash the banana and stir it into the mixture until it’s thoroughly mixed.
  • Sprinkle Flour: Until you have a homogenous batter, evenly distribute the flour over the mixture and stir everything well.

Forming and Chilling

The batter is now prepared, now form the patties and cook them to golden perfection:

  • get the pan ready: In a frying pan, warm up some olive oil over medium heat.
  • Form the Patties: Spoon out parts of the batter and form them into patties using a spoon.
  • Fry till it becomes golden. Gently put the patties into the pan and cook over low heat, turning them over from time to time, until the outsides are crispy and golden brown.
  • drizzling honey
    When the patties are perfectly done, move them to a platter and pour honey over them. The patties’ tastes are exquisitely complemented by the honey’s wonderful sweetness.
  • Providing loving service
    Serve these delicious oat cakes with love, and see how quickly they go. These patties are sure to fulfill everyone’s cravings, whether they are eaten as a filling snack or as a delicious morning dish.

Advantages for Health

These oatmeal patties have several health advantages in addition to their delicious taste:

  • Because oatmeal is high in nutrients and fiber, it helps support heart health and during digestion.
  • Probiotics included in yogurt help to maintain intestinal health and strengthen immunity.
  • Vitamins and potassium abound in bananas, providing a natural energy boost.

Success Advice
If you want more sweetness and taste, use ripe bananas.
To avoid burning and to make sure the patties are cooked through, cook them over low heat. Try a variety of toppings, such chopped almonds or fresh berries, to provide some variation.

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