The Ultimate Creamy Dessert Delight

Mille-Feuille: The Ultimate Creamy Dessert Delight

Ingredients for Puff Pastry Layers:

Two puff pastry sheets (store-bought or handmade)

  1. Granulated sugar: sprinkles
  2. Powdered Sugar: Dusting

For pastry cream:

  • Whole Milk: 2 cups
  • (1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon extract)
  • Half-cup Granulated Sugar
  • Four big egg yolks
  • Corn flour: 1/4 cup
  • Two teaspoons unsalted butter
  • To add creaminess, whip 1/2 cup heavy cream.

For Assembly:

  • Dust with confectioners’ sugar
  • Crumpled Puff Pastry Scraps: optional garnish


Prepare Puff Pastry Layers:

  • Heat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Parchment a baking sheet.
    To remove wrinkles, roll out puff pastry sheets on a lightly floured surface. Cut each page into three equal-sized rectangles.
  • Lay pastry rectangles on the baking sheet. Fork-prick the entire surface of each slice to prevent over-puffing during baking.
  • Lightly dust with granulated sugar. To keep the pastry flat, add another parchment paper sheet on top and another baking sheet.
  • Pre-heat the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Allow the pastry to cool completely on a wire rack.

Make Pastry Cream:

  • Cook milk and vanilla bean (split and seeds scraped) in a medium saucepan until simmering. Remove from heat and infuse for 10 minutes. Put vanilla essence in the milk after it has heated.
  • In another bowl, mix sugar, egg yolks, and cornflour until light and smooth.
  • To avoid overcooking, slowly add heated milk to the egg mixture while whisking frequently.
  • Return the mixture to the saucepan and stir continually over medium heat until the cream thickens and boils. Cook another 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat.
  • Stir in melted butter until smooth. Place pastry cream in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap, pressing it onto the surface to prevent skin formation. Allow it to chill completely in the fridge.
  • If desired, add whipped heavy cream into chilled pastry cream for lightness.

Build the Mille-Feuille:

  • Serve one puff pastry rectangle on a plate. Cover with pastry cream evenly.
  • Repeat with two additional puff pastry-cream layers.
  • Add powdered sugar and crumpled puff pastry scraps to the top layer for texture and adornment.
  • To serve, slice the Mille-feuille carefully with a sharp knife.
  • Serve chilled or room temperature. Enjoy a delicious mix of crispy pastry and creamy filling.

Perfect Mille-Feuille Tips:

  • Handling Pastry: To keep puff pastry flaky, keep it refrigerated until usage.
  • Ensure uniform layers by using a piping bag to distribute pastry cream for cleaner, more accurate layers.
  • Allow enough time for the completed Mille-feuille to chill for easy slicing and blending of flavours.

Nutritional Benefits:

  • Milk and Cream Provides calcium and vitamin D for bone health.
  • Protein and good fats boost nutrition.
  • Egg yolks are high in vitamins A, D, E, and K, as well as choline, which is beneficial for brain function.
  • Consuming mille-feuille in moderation can be part of a healthy diet, despite its indulgence.

In conclusion

  • mille-feuille is a decadent delicacy that exemplifies French patisserie. Featuring flaky puff pastry and creamy filling, this dessert is ideal for formal events or refined home treats. Create a gorgeous Mille-feuille with this recipe to impress and delight family and friends. Soak up the process of making this beautiful dessert and relish each bite!

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