The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard

The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard

Just so you know, if you’re serious about getting hummingbirds to visit your yard and you clicked on this to read, it helps if you’re a little bit insane. I’ll teach you all you need to know to become a hummingbird whisperer, if you’re ready for the challenge.

This elite club offers many membership tiers, ranging from the really basic one-feeder level (minimum crazy required) to the lavish backyard hummingbird paradise level. (Club members also receive a nice ring.)

However, I should caution you that aficionados of these tiny little flying spitfires sometimes exhibit quite addictive behavior. (This is where the insane is useful.)

Beginning with a single little hummingbird feeder, before you realize it, your whole

Your backyard is a riot of orange, pink, and red flowers; you’re too busy generating more nectar to be able to prepare dinner for your family right now. So you start calling the little flying guests “Brenda the Bomber” and “Princess Petunia.”

A small hummingbird perched on a branch.
Anyone seated on “her” patio has been known to get buzzed by Brenda the Bomber.

We’ve alerted you.
These small guests from South America are hilarious to have in one’s lawn, as anyone who feeds them will attest. They also have a strong sense of loyalty, and if they discover a wonderful location, they will come back year after year.

These content tiny birds are also crucial pollinators.
They gather pollen on their heads when they pause at a flower and

throats, a trait they carry over to the following bloom they visit. Hummingbirds are responsible for pollinating a number of flower varieties, including the tubular blossoms that these little birds like to drink.

A long, thin bloom yields nectar to a hummingbird.
Did the flowers create the birds, or were the birds formed for the blooms?
Let’s get started, and I’ll show you all you need to know to get hummingbirds to your yard.

Hummingbird Flowers

  • Hummingbirds are hunger-driven, just like all other wild creatures, thus they would gladly build their nests and remain in areas with an abundance of food.
  • Nectar is the primary food source for hummingbirds. Due of their rapid metabolism, they require a steady supply of high-energy nectar. If you give it to them, they will
  • gleefully remain put.
  • Hummingbirds consume nectar from flowers known as fuschias.
    These swift fliers take pleasure in the nectar of several flower species, like as this fuchsia.
  • Hummingbirds naturally obtain the majority of their nectar from plant blossoms.
  • Although they will eat flowers of any hue, they are particularly drawn to bright red, orange, or pink blossoms. Furthermore, because tubular blooms frequently contain the most nectar, they are drawn to these in particular.
  • Grow in Bulb Form
    Planting clusters of vibrantly colored flowers together is the greatest method to draw hummingbirds, much like with other pollinators. Planting clusters of the same flower together will catch their attention and entice them in for a closer look because they have good eyesight.
  • Arrange Your Flowers If you
  • Plant flowers that bloom at different periods during the growing season if you want to guarantee that you have a constant supply of hummingbirds in your garden. Hummingbirds will be delighted if you have flowers in your yard that bloom from spring through October and you make plans appropriately.
  • Deadhead
    Deadheading your flowers is a fantastic strategy to maintain a continuous bloom in your yard. Take a walk around your yard and garden every day or two, and pinch off any withered or dead blossoms from your plants. There will be more blossoms from your plants.
  • Later in the season, after the young ones have hatched, when there are more hummingbirds about and when many flowers have naturally started to taper off their blooming, this is very crucial to take into account.

41 Flowers and Vines Approved by Hummingbirds
A hummingbird consuming nectar from pink flowers while in flight.

A list of flowers to get you started is provided below. Talk to the staff at your local extension office, garden centers, or a local gardening expert if you wish to grow flowers designed to attract hummingbirds. These people can all recommend flowers according to when they bloom. Naturally, attempt to incorporate native species into your plans if as all possible.

  • A wild orange columbine plant.
  • Bee balm and bergamot
  • blazing star
  • Heart bleeding
  • Cardinal flower weed with butterflies
  • The Columbine
  • Bells of coral
  • Delta Delphinium Dahlia
  • flaming pink
  • Fireweed: Four in the afternoon
  • Foxglove
  • Vibrant Geranium
  • Gladiolus
  • Hollyhock
  • Hosta
  • Indian Pink impatiens
  • Jewelweed (never-touch-me)
  • Lily-Lupine
  • Dawn Glory
  • nasturtium
  • Indian paintbrush used to paint a cup
  • Penstemon (tongue-beard)
  • Phlox petunia scarlet runner bean
  • Snapdragon, Solomon Seal, Scarlet Sage, and Spider
  • Flower (cleome)
  • William Trumpeter creeper, sweet
  • Trumpet honeysuckle
  • Turk’s cap lily
  • Verbena
  • Bluebells in Virginia
  • Zinnia
  • Feeders for Hummingbirds
    An up-close view of a ruby-throated hummingbird sitting on a feeder’s edge.
    Put out feeders in addition to flowers if you’re serious about drawing a lot of hummingbirds.

Hummingbird feeders are a fantastic additional means of giving hummingbirds food. Just watch what happens when you add one, two, three, or even four hummingbird feeders to your yard.

To start, you should put fresh hummingbird feeders close to flowers with vibrant colors to draw the birds. You may carefully transfer the feeder to a new spot (like nearer a window) once they’ve located it.

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