Cauliflower cheese bites recipe

Cauliflower cheese bites recipe!

These cauliflower cheese bites are a perfect choice! Bursting with flavour and packed with nutritious goodness they’re sure to become a favourite in your household. With a crispy exterior and a creamy, cheesy centre, these bites are irresistible for both kids and adults alike.

Plus, they’re a fantastic way to sneak in some extra veggies without sacrificing on taste. Whether you’re hosting a party, need a quick snack, or just want to add some variety to your meals, these cauliflower cheese bites are guaranteed to satisfy your cravings. Let’s dive into the recipe and get ready to indulge in some savory goodness!”

These cauliflower cheese nibbles, which include cherry tomatoes, spinach, and creamy Cheddar cheese, liven up lunchboxes. These cheesy nibbles, which are reminiscent of the traditional roast dinner side, are ideal for preparing in advance of a hectic week because they can be refrigerated for three days and consumed all week long.


  1. 3 eggs
  2. a ¼ cauliflower
  3. Six cherry tomatoes cut in half
  4. 15g baby spinach, chopped
  5. 60g Cathedral City Mature Cheddar, grated


  1. Set the oven to 180°C on gas 4, 160°C on fan. When the cauliflower is just soft, blanch it in boiling water for four to six minutes. After draining, put aside to cool slightly.
  2. In the meantime, butter a 6-hole mini muffin pan. In a large bowl, beat the eggs; toss in the 45g of cheese and the spinach. Finely chop the cooled cauliflower and incorporate it into the egg mixture, adding seasoning as needed. After dividing the mixture among the muffin tin’s holes and packing two tomato halves into each, distribute the leftover cheese among them.
  3. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until brown and firm. Let cool slightly before taking out of the tin and transferring to a wire rack to cool fully. Will store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to three days.

Guidelines for freezing and defrosting:

Frozen foods should be consumed no later than three months after they are frozen to retain their greatest flavour and freshness. For more tips on freezing and defrosting food

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