Air Fryer Omelette

Air Fryer Omelette

Another quick meal option is this egg omelette made in an air fryer. It’s delicious and really simple. This will become your go-to egg recipe!

Add your own toppings to create the omelette of your dreams. You’ll be shocked at how simple it is to make omelettes in the air fryer. Are you prepared to master the art of creating an Air Fryer omelette? Come cook with me at the cafe!

Recipe for Fluffy Air Fryer Omelette
This omelette dish is just one of the several recipes you can create in your air fryer. For many of the recipes you would regularly prepare on the hob, the Air Fryer is ideal.

Ingredients for Air Fryer Omelette:

There are several components needed to make this omelette dish. Add the following items on your grocery list and prepare them in advance for when you start:
  • Eggs
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Small onion
  • Mushrooms
  • Slices of turkey
  • Scallion
  • Pinch salt
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Cheese (optional)
  • Cooking spray




  1. 2 eggs
  2. 2 cherry tomatoes
  3. 1 small onion
  4. 2 mushrooms
  5. 2 slices of turkey
  6. 1 scallion
  7. Pinch salt
  8. Fresh ground black pepper
  9. Cheese (optional)
  10. Cooking spray



  1. Chop the turkey, bell pepper, onion, and scallion.
  2. Combine the eggs, freshly ground pepper, and a little amount of salt in a small bowl.
  3. Combine the turkey and veggies with the egg, mixing well.
  4. Before using the air fryer, preheat it to 350°F/175°C and coat a cake pan with oil or butter.
  5. Cook the pan for eight to ten minutes with the air fryer basket in place.
  6. After four minutes, scatter some shredded cheese over the egg.
  7. Using a spatula, remove the omelette from the pan and place it onto a platter. Serve it right away.


Is It Possible To Make An Omelette In An Oven?

Yes, making an omelette in the air fryer is just as simple as making one in the oven. An oven often takes longer to heat up than an Air Fryer, but cooking times are comparable.

Can an omelette be prepared the night before?
Indeed, you can prepare an omelette in advance and consume it the following day. Make your omelette according to the recipe. Allow it to cool fully before transferring it to a platter or keeping it in the cake pan.

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