
  1. 2.2 pounds raspberries 8 cups; use some underripe berries for added tart flavor and pectin
  2. 28 oz white sugar 4 cups
  3. 1/4 cup lemon juice fresh or bottled (the latter works best for canning)


  1. Sterilize all the jars and tools used for this recipe. Wash the jars, lids, and bands in hot, soapy water, rinse them well, and leave them to drain and dry. Or wash them in a dishwasher on the top rack- it’s best if they’re still warm when you go to use them.
  2. Also, place 1-2 small plates in the freezer (they’ll be used for the gel test).
  3. If you’re planning to can the jam, prepare the canner by adding the trivet/rack to the bottom of the canner and filling it with enough water to submerge the jars by an inch.
  4. Wash the raspberries well, removing any stems and berries that are spoiled, blemished, etc.
  6. Transfer the berries and sugar to a large, deep, heavy-based stainless-steel saucepan. Then use a potato masher (or a fork) to gently crush the berries, leaving some whole if preferred.
  7. Add the lemon juice and stir. Bring the mixture to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly to ensure the sugar dissolves and the jam doesn’t stick to the pan.
  8. As foam appears on the top of the jam, use a spoon to scoop it away, simmering until it thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon (about 15-20 minutes).


  1. To test if the jam has reached the correct “set,” remove the saucepan from the heat and place about a teaspoon of the jam over the pre-chilled plate (from the freezer). Return it to the freezer for 1-2 minutes, then test the set. It should be set and wrinkle when pressed.
  2. Alternatively, use a candy thermometer vertically into the saucepan of jam (don’t touch the bottom!). It should reach 220ºF/104ºC.
  3. If it hasn’t set, continue to cook for a few minutes and test it again.


  1. Place the sterilized, warm jars on a clean kitchen towel/wooden board (this will stop temperature shock from causing cracks).
  2. To make the jars hot, heat them up (with the lids on) in the water bath canner while bringing the water to an almost boil. Alternatively, warm the jars (not the lids) in the oven.
  3. Ladle the hot jam into the hot jars, leaving about ¼-inch headspace (0.5 cm). Tap the jar against your kitchen surface and/or use a knife to remove any air bubbles in the jam.
  4. Wipe the jar rims with a clean kitchen towel and place the lid on the jar, screwing the screw bands until they are fingertip-tight.
  5. At this point, the jam is ready to use immediately, transfer to the fridge for short-term storage, the freezer for 6 months, or be water bath canned to keep for up to a year!


  1. Place the filled jars in the prepared canner, ensuring they’re submerged under at least 1 inch of water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat, add a lid, and allow them to process for 10 minutes (adjust the time based on the altitude of where you live).
  3. Remove the canner lid and allow them to sit for 5 minutes before carefully using canning jar tongs to remove the jars from the water and set them onto a clean kitchen towel to drain and cool undisturbed for 24 hours.
  4. Once cooled, check the seal – the middle part of the lid should not pop up and down when pressed. Then store them in a cool, dark location (like your pantry) for up to a year and a half.Keep in jar refrigerated.
    Enjoy! ❤️

11 Powerful Reasons to Eat Flaxseeds Every Day

11 Powerful Reasons to Eat Flaxseeds Every Day

Flaxseeds are tiny, but they pack a powerful punch when it comes to health benefits. Adding these little seeds to your daily diet can have a significant positive impact on your overall well-being. Here are 11 compelling reasons to eat flaxseeds every day.

1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Flaxseeds are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. Omega-3s are essential for heart health and help reduce inflammation in the body.

Tip: Sprinkle ground flaxseeds on your oatmeal or yogurt to boost your omega-3 intake.

2. High in Fiber
Flaxseeds are loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain bowel regularity.

Tip: Add flaxseeds to your smoothies or baked goods for a fiber-rich treat.

3. Supports Heart Health
The combination of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignans in flaxseeds helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Tip: Incorporate flaxseeds into your salads or cereal to support heart health.

4. Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair
The healthy fats and B vitamins in flaxseeds contribute to healthy skin and hair, reducing dryness and improving texture.

Tip: Use flaxseed oil as a dressing for your salads to nourish your skin and hair from within.

5. Aids in Weight Management
The fiber in flaxseeds helps you feel full longer, which can aid in weight management by reducing overall calorie intake.

Tip: Mix flaxseeds into your morning smoothie to help curb your appetite.

6. Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels
Flaxseeds can help regulate blood sugar levels due to their high fiber content, making them beneficial for people with diabetes.

Tip: Add flaxseeds to your diet regularly to help manage blood sugar levels.

7. Reduces Inflammation
The omega-3 fatty acids and lignans in flaxseeds have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Tip: Include flaxseeds in your diet to help combat inflammation and related conditions.

8. Supports Digestive Health
The fiber in flaxseeds promotes a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

Tip: Sprinkle ground flaxseeds on your cereal or yogurt to improve digestion.

9. Provides Antioxidants
Flaxseeds are rich in lignans, which are powerful antioxidants that protect your cells from damage and help reduce the risk of cancer.

Tip: Add flaxseeds to your daily diet to boost your antioxidant intake.

10. Hormonal Balance
Lignans in flaxseeds have estrogen-like properties that can help balance hormones, particularly in women.

Tip: Incorporate flaxseeds into your meals to support hormonal health.

11. Enhances Nutrient Absorption
Flaxseeds help improve the absorption of nutrients from other foods, enhancing your overall nutritional intake.

Tip: Combine flaxseeds with other nutrient-rich foods for maximum benefits.

Incorporating flaxseeds into your daily diet is a simple and effective way to improve your health. From promoting heart health to aiding digestion and balancing hormones, these tiny seeds offer a multitude of benefits. Try adding flaxseeds to your meals and enjoy the powerful health benefits they bring!

Easy Homemade Fresh Cheese Recipe for Cheese Lovers

Easy Homemade Fresh Cheese Recipe for Cheese Lovers

Easy Homemade Fresh Cheese Recipe for Cheese Lovers You don’t need to be afraid to make cheese at home if you love cheese! It’s actually very easy to make your own fresh cheese. Your friends and family will be amazed by the handmade cheese you can make with only a few simple ingredients. Let’s get started with a simple dish that will make you the life of the party at any event.

Fresh Cheese’s Health Benefits

Cottage cheese, or fresh cheese, has several health benefits.

  • Rich in Protein: It’s an excellent source of protein, which is necessary for immune system function and cell repair.
  • Rich in Calcium: The calcium content of fresh cheese is high, which is good for your teeth and bones.
  • Weight Loss Friendly: Provides nutrition and flavour without putting dieticians under pressure to lose weight, making it a favourite among them.
  • Adaptable to Meals: Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or supper, fresh cheese tastes great added to any meal.

Creating Fresh Cheese at Home:

This dish simply requires three basic ingredients:

  1. One litre of milk from sheep
  2. One sugar-free, organic plain yogurt
  3. One-half of an organic lemon

Use probiotic pills in lieu of yogurt and a mixture of coconut and almond milk for a vegan substitute.

Essential Cutlery:

  • A metre of cotton gauze that is hydrophilic
  • One mould
  • One jar


  1. Heat the milk gently (do not boil) for fifteen minutes.
  2. Juice the half of a lemon.
  3. Stir in the yogurt and lemon juice when the milk has heated.
  4. Give the mixture three hours to rest.
  5. Gather the curds by straining the mixture through the gauze.
  6. Put the gauze-covered curds in the refrigerator with a weight for half an hour.
  7. Put in a mould after seasoning with salt.
  8. Again, refrigerate for eight hours.

    And just like that, your very own fresh cheese is ready to eat! You may enjoy the satisfaction of creating and eating your own cheese with this simple recipe. Now go ahead and appreciate the wonderful world of cheese production by giving it a try. Salutations!

Puffed pancakes

Puffed pancake: the Japanese recipe for a delicious breakfast!


  1. 2 eggs
  2. 30 ml (2 tbsp) milk
  3. 25g (3 tablespoons) flour
  4. 1g (1/4 teaspoon) baking powder
  5. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  6. 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  7. 25g (2 tablespoons) sugar
    maple syrup caster sugar


  1. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Whisk egg yolk, milk, and vanilla extract in a large bowl. Then pour the flour and baking powder into the bowl, mix to combine.
  2. Put the egg whites and lemon juice in a separate bowl. Add the sugar in two parts, whisk them with a stand mixer. Whisk to stiff tip stage.
    Add the meringue to the egg yolk mixture and mix gently. Avoid breaking the meringue.
  3. Brush the pan with cooking oil. Pour the pancake batter into the heated pan and cover with the lid. Cook them for about 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. Check each pancake to see if it turns golden brown, then carefully flip it over. Cover with the lid and cook for about 3 minutes
  5. Add the maple syrup on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar

Just eggs and tuna

Just eggs and tuna. I make this recipe in 2 minutes!

All you need are two simple ingredients that you likely already have in your pantry: eggs and tuna. Yes, that’s right – just eggs and tuna can create a culinary delight in merely 2 minutes!

This recipe is perfect for anyone looking for a high-protein, low-carb option that doesn’t skimp on flavor. Whether you’re seeking a speedy breakfast, a fuss-free lunch, or a light dinner, this eggs and tuna combination is sure to satisfy. Here’s how to whip up this dish in a flash.


  1. 1 can of tuna (preferably in water for a healthier option)
  2. 2 eggs


  1. Prepare the Tuna: Start by draining the can of tuna and placing the tuna in a bowl. If you prefer a bit of extra zest, feel free to add a pinch of black pepper or a squeeze of lemon juice to the tuna for some added flavor.
  2. Scramble the Eggs: Crack the eggs into a separate bowl and beat them until they’re well mixed. If you like, you can add a dash of salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Combine and Cook: Pour the beaten eggs over the tuna in the bowl, stirring briefly to combine. Then, heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. You won’t need any oil if your pan is truly non-stick, but a light spray of cooking oil can help ensure the mixture doesn’t stick.
  4. Cook to Perfection: Pour the egg and tuna mixture into the skillet. Cook for about 1 minute, then stir gently to scramble. Continue cooking for another minute or until the eggs are fully cooked and fluffy.

And there you have it – a hearty, nutritious meal ready in just 2 minutes! This eggs and tuna recipe is not only a time-saver but also a heart-healthy option that’s packed with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, thanks to the tuna. It’s a versatile dish that can be enjoyed on its own or served alongside a fresh salad or your favorite vegetables for an even more balanced meal.


So, the next time you’re in a pinch for time but still want to treat yourself to a tasty and healthy meal, remember this simple yet delightful recipe. It’s proof that quick meals can indeed be both satisfying and good for you. Enjoy, and here’s to delicious simplicity!

Identify Real Honey from Fake Honey

Identify Real Honey from Fake Honey

Identify Real Honey from Fake Honey For millennia, honey has been valued for its inherent qualities and well-being advantages. But given how many contaminated honey products there are on the market, it’s critical to understand how to tell the difference between genuine and fraudulent honey. You can make sure you’re getting the high-quality honey you deserve by doing these easy-to-use but powerful tests at home.

1. The Thumb Test Technique: Apply a tiny bit of honey on your thumb.
Anticipated Outcome: Unadulterated honey will remain intact and not disperse or run off rapidly. The honey can be tampered with if it drops or spreads.

2. The Water Test Method: Pour some water into a glass and stir in a spoonful of honey.
Anticipated outcome: Artificial or tampered honey will soon dissolve in water. Pure honey, on the other hand, will not readily dissolve and will sink to the bottom of the glass.

3. The Flame Test Method: Try lighting a match or cotton swab by dipping its end into honey.
Anticipated Outcome: The matchstick will burn or ignite when pure honey is present, suggesting that it has few contaminants. It may have additives like water that stop it from burning if it doesn’t ignite.

Method By; Wellness tips

Baking Soda and Honey

Honey and soda

Baking Soda and Honey Mixture My grandma had a basic concoction of baking soda and honey hidden away in her domestic arsenal. This miraculous mixture was useful for many things, including cooking, beauty, and health. Let’s examine some of her uses for this concoction in more detail, as well as the advantages it provided.

  • A Comforting Concoction

    My grandma would always grab for her go-to concoction when any of us had coughs, sore throats, or irritations. Several times a day, a tablespoon of the paste composed of baking soda and honey helped to alleviate these symptoms. The honey calmed our throats and the baking soda worked as a natural antibacterial.

  •  A Mild Exfoliation for Bright Skin

    This blend is the key to preserving smooth and glowing skin, as my grandma also understood. She got a healthy shine on her skin by using it as a gentle scrub. Honey moisturised and soothed the face, while baking soda’s abrasive qualities helped to remove dead skin cells from the skin.

  • More radiant smiles

    Grandma used her baking soda and honey paste as a secret weapon to keep her smile radiant and lovely. She would use this concoction to softly massage her teeth, and presto! Her grin gained confidence as her teeth got whiter.

  • Calm Insect Nibbles

    When bug bites were a frequent nuisance in the warm summer months, my grandma would use her special concoction. Itching was lessened by applying it to the afflicted regions, and the honey helped relieve skin irritation brought on by bug bites.

  • Adaptability in the Kitchen

    This wonderful concoction was used for more than just cosmetic and health reasons. My grandma also found that it could be used in cooking! Occasionally, she would include it in recipes to control the acidity or to give some foods a little sweet and salty taste. It was really a very adaptable component.

  • Medical Treatments

    This mixture has also historically been used as a homemade treatment for mild illnesses. Little burns or wounds can be healed with the help of baking soda’s calming powers and honey’s antibacterial qualities.

In conclusion, the method my grandmother used to combine honey with baking soda was a wealth of information that was passed down through the generations. It’s a natural cure with many applications in health, beauty, and even culinary. It is advisable to seek medical advice from a specialist before use this mixture frequently, particularly if you already have any health concerns. The knowledge of past generations still serves as an inspiration for easy-to-use solutions that improve our everyday health.

Method By: Wellness Tips

12 Common Mistakes When Cooking Vegetables

12 Common Mistakes When Cooking Vegetable & How to Fix Them

Here’s a look at some common mistakes and how to correct them, ensuring your vegetable dishes are as healthy as they are flavorful

  • Overcooking: Cooking vegetables for too long can deplete vitamins and minerals. Fix: Steam or blanch vegetables until they’re just tender.
  • Boiling: Boiling can cause water-soluble nutrients like vitamin C and B vitamins to leach into the water. Fix: Opt for steaming or sautéing instead.
  • Not Using the Cooking Water: If you do boil vegetables, you’re leaving nutrients in the water. Fix: Reuse the water in soups or sauces to recapture those lost nutrients.
  • Peeling Too Much: Many nutrients are found in the skin or just beneath it. Fix: Clean vegetables thoroughly instead of peeling them.
  • Cooking with Too Much Fat: Adding too much butter or oil can add unnecessary calories. Fix: Use herbs, spices, or a bit of broth to flavor your veggies instead.
  • Using High Heat: Cooking at high temperatures can destroy certain nutrients. Fix: Cook vegetables at lower temperatures when possible.
  • Not Varying Cooking Methods: Different methods can enhance different nutrients. Fix: Rotate between steaming, roasting, and raw preparations to keep meals interesting and nutritious.
  • Skipping the Seasoning: Vegetables can be bland on their own. Fix: Use a variety of herbs and spices to enhance their natural flavors without adding excess salt or fat.
  • Ignoring Frozen Vegetables: Frozen vegetables are often dismissed as less nutritious. Fix: Use frozen veggies when fresh aren’t available; they’re flash-frozen at peak ripeness to lock in nutrients.
  • Failing to Pair with Fat: Some vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they require fat to be absorbed by the body. Fix: Include a healthy fat source, like olive oil or avocados, when eating veggies to maximize nutrient absorption.
  • Cooking All Vegetables the Same Way: Different vegetables benefit from different cooking methods. Fix: Research the best way to cook each type to preserve or enhance nutrient content.
  • Forgetting to Preheat the Pan: Adding vegetables to a cold pan can lead to uneven cooking. Fix: Preheat your pan to ensure vegetables cook quickly and evenly, retaining their texture and nutrients.


By adjusting how you cook your vegetables, you can enhance both their nutritional value and their taste, making your meals healthier and more enjoyable. Remember, the goal is to preserve the vibrant colors, textures, and flavors of your vegetables while keeping their nutrients intact. Happy cooking!

Make your own homemade cheese at home in just 15 minutes.

Make your own homemade cheese at home in just 15 minutes.

What You’ll Need

  1. 1 liter of whole milk
  2. 3 tablespoons of lemon juice or white vinegar
  3. Salt (to taste)
  4. A cheesecloth or a fine strainer
  5. A large pot

Let’s Make Cheese!

  1. Heat the Milk: Pour the milk into your large pot and slowly heat it on the stove. You’ll want to bring it to a near-boil, just before it starts to bubble. Be sure to stir occasionally to prevent burning.
  2. Add Lemon Juice or Vinegar: Once the milk is hot, add the lemon juice or vinegar and give it a gentle stir. You’ll see the milk curdle almost immediately – that’s your cheese beginning to form!
  3. Let it Sit: Turn off the heat and let the pot sit for about 10 minutes. During this time, the curds (solid parts) will separate from the whey (liquid part).
  4. Strain the Curds: Line a colander with cheesecloth or use a fine strainer and gently pour the mixture through it. The curds that remain in the cheesecloth are your fresh cheese!
  5. Season Your Cheese: Add a pinch of salt to the cheese, or any other seasonings you fancy. Mix gently to combine.

Press and Cool: For a firmer cheese, press the curds gently to remove more whey. Then, let your cheese cool. You can use it immediately or store it in the refrigerator.

Onion Water for Extreme Hair Growth:

Onion Water for Extreme Hair Growth: A Simple and Natural Solution

Looking for a natural way to boost hair growth and achieve luscious locks? Onion water might be the answer you’ve been searching for! This simple, age-old remedy has been used for generations to promote hair growth and improve overall hair health. Here’s a friendly guide on how to use onion water for extreme hair growth.

Why Onion Water?
Onions are rich in sulfur, a vital mineral that plays a key role in hair growth. Sulfur helps improve blood circulation to the scalp, providing hair follicles with the nourishment they need to grow. Onions also contain antioxidants that help protect the hair and scalp from damage, making your hair stronger and healthier.

Benefits of Onion Water for Hair:
1. Stimulates Hair Growth: The sulfur content in onions boosts collagen production, which in turn helps in the formation of healthy skin cells and hair growth.

2. Strengthens Hair: Onion water can strengthen hair strands, preventing breakage and thinning. Regular use can make your hair more resilient and robust.

3. Reduces Hair Loss: Onion water improves blood circulation to the scalp, which helps nourish hair follicles and reduce hair fall.

4. Adds Shine: Using onion water can add a natural shine to your hair, making it look healthier and more vibrant.

How to Make Onion Water:
2 large onions
1 liter of water

Peel and Chop the Onions: Start by peeling the onions and chopping them into small pieces.
Boil the Onions: Place the chopped onions in a pot with 1 liter of water. Bring the water to a boil and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes.
Strain the Mixture: Once the onions have boiled, let the mixture cool down. Strain the onion pieces out, keeping the water. Your onion water is now ready to use!
How to Use Onion Water for Hair Growth:
1. Apply to Scalp: Using a cotton ball or a spray bottle, apply the onion water directly to your scalp. Make sure to cover all areas, especially focusing on thinning spots or areas with hair loss.

2. Massage: Gently massage the onion water into your scalp for about 5-10 minutes. This helps improve blood circulation and ensures the nutrients are absorbed well.

3. Leave It On: Leave the onion water on your scalp for at least 30 minutes. If you can tolerate the smell, leaving it on for an hour or overnight can be even more beneficial.

4. Rinse and Shampoo: Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water, then shampoo as usual. You can use a mild conditioner if needed.

5. Repeat Regularly: For best results, use onion water on your hair 2-3 times a week. Consistency is key to seeing noticeable improvements in hair growth and health.

Onion water is a simple, natural remedy that can promote extreme hair growth and improve overall hair health. With its rich sulfur content and powerful antioxidants, onion water can help you achieve stronger, healthier, and more beautiful hair. Give it a try and enjoy the benefits of this time-tested solution!