The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard

The Ultimate Guide to Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard

Just so you know, if you’re serious about getting hummingbirds to visit your yard and you clicked on this to read, it helps if you’re a little bit insane. I’ll teach you all you need to know to become a hummingbird whisperer, if you’re ready for the challenge.

This elite club offers many membership tiers, ranging from the really basic one-feeder level (minimum crazy required) to the lavish backyard hummingbird paradise level. (Club members also receive a nice ring.)

However, I should caution you that aficionados of these tiny little flying spitfires sometimes exhibit quite addictive behavior. (This is where the insane is useful.)

Beginning with a single little hummingbird feeder, before you realize it, your whole

Your backyard is a riot of orange, pink, and red flowers; you’re too busy generating more nectar to be able to prepare dinner for your family right now. So you start calling the little flying guests “Brenda the Bomber” and “Princess Petunia.”

A small hummingbird perched on a branch.
Anyone seated on “her” patio has been known to get buzzed by Brenda the Bomber.

We’ve alerted you.
These small guests from South America are hilarious to have in one’s lawn, as anyone who feeds them will attest. They also have a strong sense of loyalty, and if they discover a wonderful location, they will come back year after year.

These content tiny birds are also crucial pollinators.
They gather pollen on their heads when they pause at a flower and

throats, a trait they carry over to the following bloom they visit. Hummingbirds are responsible for pollinating a number of flower varieties, including the tubular blossoms that these little birds like to drink.

A long, thin bloom yields nectar to a hummingbird.
Did the flowers create the birds, or were the birds formed for the blooms?
Let’s get started, and I’ll show you all you need to know to get hummingbirds to your yard.

Hummingbird Flowers

  • Hummingbirds are hunger-driven, just like all other wild creatures, thus they would gladly build their nests and remain in areas with an abundance of food.
  • Nectar is the primary food source for hummingbirds. Due of their rapid metabolism, they require a steady supply of high-energy nectar. If you give it to them, they will
  • gleefully remain put.
  • Hummingbirds consume nectar from flowers known as fuschias.
    These swift fliers take pleasure in the nectar of several flower species, like as this fuchsia.
  • Hummingbirds naturally obtain the majority of their nectar from plant blossoms.
  • Although they will eat flowers of any hue, they are particularly drawn to bright red, orange, or pink blossoms. Furthermore, because tubular blooms frequently contain the most nectar, they are drawn to these in particular.
  • Grow in Bulb Form
    Planting clusters of vibrantly colored flowers together is the greatest method to draw hummingbirds, much like with other pollinators. Planting clusters of the same flower together will catch their attention and entice them in for a closer look because they have good eyesight.
  • Arrange Your Flowers If you
  • Plant flowers that bloom at different periods during the growing season if you want to guarantee that you have a constant supply of hummingbirds in your garden. Hummingbirds will be delighted if you have flowers in your yard that bloom from spring through October and you make plans appropriately.
  • Deadhead
    Deadheading your flowers is a fantastic strategy to maintain a continuous bloom in your yard. Take a walk around your yard and garden every day or two, and pinch off any withered or dead blossoms from your plants. There will be more blossoms from your plants.
  • Later in the season, after the young ones have hatched, when there are more hummingbirds about and when many flowers have naturally started to taper off their blooming, this is very crucial to take into account.

41 Flowers and Vines Approved by Hummingbirds
A hummingbird consuming nectar from pink flowers while in flight.

A list of flowers to get you started is provided below. Talk to the staff at your local extension office, garden centers, or a local gardening expert if you wish to grow flowers designed to attract hummingbirds. These people can all recommend flowers according to when they bloom. Naturally, attempt to incorporate native species into your plans if as all possible.

  • A wild orange columbine plant.
  • Bee balm and bergamot
  • blazing star
  • Heart bleeding
  • Cardinal flower weed with butterflies
  • The Columbine
  • Bells of coral
  • Delta Delphinium Dahlia
  • flaming pink
  • Fireweed: Four in the afternoon
  • Foxglove
  • Vibrant Geranium
  • Gladiolus
  • Hollyhock
  • Hosta
  • Indian Pink impatiens
  • Jewelweed (never-touch-me)
  • Lily-Lupine
  • Dawn Glory
  • nasturtium
  • Indian paintbrush used to paint a cup
  • Penstemon (tongue-beard)
  • Phlox petunia scarlet runner bean
  • Snapdragon, Solomon Seal, Scarlet Sage, and Spider
  • Flower (cleome)
  • William Trumpeter creeper, sweet
  • Trumpet honeysuckle
  • Turk’s cap lily
  • Verbena
  • Bluebells in Virginia
  • Zinnia
  • Feeders for Hummingbirds
    An up-close view of a ruby-throated hummingbird sitting on a feeder’s edge.
    Put out feeders in addition to flowers if you’re serious about drawing a lot of hummingbirds.

Hummingbird feeders are a fantastic additional means of giving hummingbirds food. Just watch what happens when you add one, two, three, or even four hummingbird feeders to your yard.

To start, you should put fresh hummingbird feeders close to flowers with vibrant colors to draw the birds. You may carefully transfer the feeder to a new spot (like nearer a window) once they’ve located it.

Boil the Cloves, Drink the Liquid, and You Will Be Grateful for This Advice

Boil the Cloves, Drink the Liquid, and You Will Be Grateful for This Advice

Searching for an easy-to-use, all-natural way to improve your health? You might find the solution you need by boiling cloves and then drinking the liquid. For millennia, people have employed this simple and efficient remedy to advance wellbeing. Here are several reasons to try it and some preparation tips.

Spices like cloves have been used medicinally for a very long time. They are rich in nutrients and provide a number of health advantages:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Eugenol, a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory substance found in cloves, can aid in lowering pain and inflammation in the body.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: These little spices are a treasure trove of antioxidants that help fend off free radicals and save your cells from harm.
  • Digestive Aid: Cloves increase the secretion of digestive enzymes, which can aid in better digestion. They are also proven to lessen bloating and gas.
  • Immune Booster: Cloves possess antibacterial and antiviral qualities that can fortify your immune system and maintain general health.

Only a few simple components are needed to make clove tea. Here’s how to get ready for it:


  1. one cup of water
  2. Six complete cloves
  3. Not required: a little honey or a piece of lemon for flavor


Boil the Water: In a small pot, first bring a cup of water to a boil.
When the water reaches a rolling boil, add the entire cloves. After lowering the heat, simmer the cloves in the water for roughly ten minutes.
After the liquid has simmered, strain it by taking the pot from the heat and remove the cloves before straining the liquid into a cup.
Enhance Flavor: To make your clove tea taste better, you can add a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon.


One cup of clove tea each day will yield the finest results. When taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, it is especially advantageous. By doing this, you can strengthen your digestive system and begin your day with an antioxidant boost.


In addition to brewing clove tea, take into account the following advice to improve your wellbeing:

  • Remain Hydrated: Throughout the day, sipping on lots of water can help your body work at its best.
  • Consume a Balanced Diet: Make sure to eat a range of fruits, vegetables, and nutritious grains and lean proteins to promote general wellness.
  • Exercise Frequently: Walking, yoga, or swimming are examples of mild physical activities that might help you keep your strength and mobility.


Including clove tea in your regular routine is an easy yet effective method to improve your health. Cloves’ natural qualities might boost your immune system, enhance digestion, and lessen inflammation. You’ll be happy you tried this simple cure because of all the advantages it offers. Cheers to a happier, healthier you!

Quick Strawberry Jam-Filled Muffins

Quick Strawberry Jam-Filled Muffins


  1. 100g Sugar,
  2. 2 eggs
  3. 8g sugar for vanilla ,
  4. a dash of salt ,
  5. 125g yogurt for vanilla
  6. , 50ml milk
  7. , 100ml oil
  8. , 200g flour
  9. , 8g baking powder
    Almonds (as a topping)  Strawberry jam


  • Press the oven rack to 180°C (356°F) and place paper liners into a muffin tray.
  • Beat eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, and a little amount of salt together thoroughly in a bowl.
    Pour in the oil, milk, and vanilla yogurt. Blend until well combined.
  • Add flour and baking powder gradually, stirring to ensure no lumps remain in the batter.
  • Partially fill each muffin cup with the batter.
    To each muffin cup, add a teaspoon of strawberry jam.
  • Add extra batter on top, about two thirds full in each cup.
    Toss in some nut slices for flavor and crunch.
  • Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until When a toothpick is inserted into the muffins, it comes out clean.
  • After letting them cool in the tin for a few minutes, move them to a wire rack to finish cooling.
  • These adorable muffins are really delicious and can be made in just ten minutes. Have fun!

Just Mix Rice and Yeast 

Just Mix Rice and Yeast

Our elders’ knowledge can offer the greatest solutions at times. My grandma once told me about the amazing advantages of combining rice and yeast. This easy concoction can facilitate better digestion, increase vitality, and possibly improve general health. Let’s examine this traditional treatment and see how simple it is to apply to your everyday routine.

The Advantages of Yeast and Rice:

  1. Not only is rice tasty, but it is also a mainstay in many diets worldwide since it is so full of vital nutrients. Because of its high carbohydrate content, it’s a fantastic source of energy and is soft on the stomach, so it’s perfect for people who have digestive problems.
  2. Yeast: Rich in minerals, protein, and B vitamins is yeast, especially nutritional yeast. It delivers a natural energy boost, strengthens the immune system, and promotes a healthy digestive system. Additionally well-known are its probiotic qualities, which support the upkeep of a balanced gut flora.

    Methods for Making the Combination

Making this healthy concoction is simple and just takes a few minutes. Here’s how to succeed:

  1. One cup of cooked rice, whatever kind you wants
  2. One teaspoon nutritional yeast (available online or in health food stores)


  1. prepare the Rice: To begin, prepare the rice as directed on the box. Depending on your tastes, you can use white, brown, or even wild rice.
  2. Cool the Rice: After cooking, let the rice to come to room temperature. When you combine them, this aids in maintaining the nutrients in the yeast.
  3. Add the Yeast: Top the cooled rice with a teaspoon of nutritional yeast. To guarantee that the yeast is incorporated into the rice equally, thoroughly mix.

Now that your rice and yeast combination is ready to be consumed, serve! It can be eaten as a light supper on its own, as an accompaniment to salads, or as a side dish.

Additional Tips

  • Keep Yourself Hydrated: To aid in your body’s absorption of the nutrients from the rice and yeast, sip lots of water throughout the day.
  • Balanced Diet: To promote general health, make sure you eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and proteins.
  • Exercise: By enhancing digestion and boosting general energy levels, regular exercise might augment the advantages of this natural medicine.


The strength of conventional wisdom is demonstrated by the ease with which rice and yeast may be combined. This simple concoction can improve your energy levels, aid in better digestion, and benefit your general health. Try this traditional medicine and see for yourself the advantages it offers. As granny always knew, here’s to greater health and well being!


Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Air Fryer Chicken Wings

Overview Crispy, flavorful chicken wings may be had without the mess and calories of traditional deep-frying with the help of an air fryer. The wings are cooked evenly in the air fryer using hot air that circulates, giving them a flawless golden crust and juicy interior. This recipe will show you how to make traditional air fryer chicken wings with a basic seasoning, but you can adjust the sauces and spices to your personal preference.


  1. Two pounds of chicken wings, divided at the joints and without the tips
  2. One tablespoon of olive oil
  3. One teaspoon of salt
  4. Half a teaspoon of black pepper
  5. One teaspoon of garlic powder
  6. One teaspoon of paprika (smoky paprika can be used for a smokier flavor)
  7. Buffalo sauce, barbecue sauce, or any other preferred wing sauce are optional for serving.


Cheese or Ranch Dressing Celery Sticks Equipment Air Fryer Large Bowl Tongs

Step 1: Get the chicken wings ready.

  • Pat the Wings Dry: With paper towels, pat dry the chicken wings. This is an important step since it contributes to the crispy texture.
  • Spice up the wings: Combine the olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika in a big bowl and toss to cover the chicken wings equally.

Step2: Set the Air Fryer to preheat.

  • Set the temperature of your air fryer to 400°F, or 200°C.
  • This helps crisp up the skin and guarantees that the wings begin frying right away.

Step 3: Prepare the Fried Chicken Wings

  • Organize the Wings: In the air fryer basket, arrange the wings in a single layer. To prevent crowding, you might need to do this in batches, depending on how big your air fryer is.
  • Cook: The wings should be air-fried for 25 to 30 minutes. To guarantee that the wings are cooked through and crisp on all sides, turn them over with tongs halfway through the cooking process.

Sauce (Optional) in Step Four

  • Wing Sauce: After the wings are cooked, you can toss them in your preferred wing sauce, such as Buffalo or BBQ, if you enjoy saucy wings.
  • After saucing the wings, you can put them back in the air fryer for an additional two to three minutes if they are
  • really sticky.

Step 5: Present Resting:

  • After cooking, let the wings a few minutes to rest. This will assist the liquids redistribute and keep the wings crispy.
  • Serve: Arrange celery sticks and your preferred ranch or blue cheese dressing alongside your hot air fryer chicken wings.

In summary
With only a small amount of oil needed, air fryer chicken wings offer all the flavor and crispiness of traditional fried wings in a convenient and healthier option. These are great as an appetiser at a party, as a quick snack, or even as a dinner paired with your preferred sides. Have fun experimenting to create the ideal wing recipe by trying out different sauces and seasonings!

Reveal the Secret to Youthful Hands

Reveal the Secret to Youthful Hands

Are you prepared to go out on a quest to learn the key to having young hands? Prepare yourself because the solution is there in your own kitchen. We frequently undervalue the ability of simplicity and nature to provide workable answers. Today, we share a homemade formula that will revitalize your skin and make wrinkles less noticeable.
The Potency of Natural Substances
This delicious mixture is more than simply a recipe; it’s an homage to the organic components that have long been prized for their aesthetic benefits.

By combining carrot, olive oil, bay leaves, and orange zest, we have crafted a skincare masterpiece that encapsulates nature’s goodness.

Why This Combination Works

Every ingredient in this blend plays a

unique function in encouraging the creation of collagen and renewing your skin. Let’s examine the advantages in more detail:


Carrots, being high in beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, and other minerals, provide protection against oxidative stress. They increase the formation of collagen, which minimizes wrinkles and gives your skin a youthful, firm appearance.

Bay Departs

Bay leaves calm your skin, creating an even tone and reducing redness and puffiness with their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities.

Zest of Orange

Orange zest is a powerful collagen-boosting source of vitamin C. It fights against symptoms of aging, brightens your complexion, and heals your skin.

Olive Oil

  • Olive oil is a mainstay of Mediterranean diets and is rich in important fatty acids as well as vitamins E and K. It leaves your skin feeling incredibly moisturized.
  • skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and silky smooth.
    How to Make a Homemade Skincare Remedy
  • It’s very simple to make this skin-rejuvenating elixir.

Take these easy actions:

  • To infuse the oil with its advantages, boil the carrot, bay leaves, and orange zest over low heat for several hours.
  • After filtering the oil, keep it somewhere cool and dark.
  • Apply this golden liquid to your face before going to bed, focusing especially on wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Allow the natural components to nourish your skin, encourage the production of collagen, and bring out its inherent brightness while working their magic overnight.
  • Accepting the Beauty Secrets of Nature
  • Using this all-natural elixir is about adopting a beauty routine that looks after the health of your skin, not just about looking better. and the surroundings. Take baby steps in the direction of natural beauty and embark on an amazing self-care journey that will leave your skin shining for years to come.



A traditional potato cake embodies comfort cuisine like nothing else. The inclusion of an air fryer enhances this modern take on a tried-and-true dish!

In less than 30 minutes, you can have excellent handmade potato cakes thanks to simple preparation, few materials, and quick cooking.


With grated potatoes, onions, and eggs as the main ingredients, they are essentially a thick and substantial potato pancake. We’ve kept it basic with this dish, using only salt and pepper for seasoning.

To create potato cakes in an air fryer, you’ll need the following:

  1. Four cups of store-bought, cold mashed potatoes
  2. ½ cup flour for all purposes
  3. One-half teaspoon each of salt and pepper
  4. One egg
  5. Before cooking, coat the potatoes with oil (coconut or olive).


  • Set air fryer temperature to 350°F (177°C).
  • Mashed potatoes, flour, salt, and pepper should all be well blended in medium-sized basin. Verify that each clump has been split up.
  • Don’t overmix the egg; instead, gently beat it with fork until the yolk is slightly split up in small bowl.
  • Mix the mashed potato mixture thoroughly after adding the egg mixture. Using your hands or spoon, divide the mixture into equal parts. Form each part into flat patty that is about inches wide and inch thick; this should make patties in total
  • .After putting the patties in the air fryer basket, prepare it to 370°F and give it a quick oil brushing. Cook for 20 minutes.
  • After cooking for 15 minutes, turn each patty over.
  • When cooked correctly, they should be golden in color and have a somewhat firm exterior after 20 minutes!

Boost Your Health with Brussels Sprouts Delight

Boost Your Health with Brussels Sprouts Delight

Are you trying to find a tasty and healthy approach to get healthier? You only need to look at our recipe for Brussels Sprouts Delight! This recipe, which is loaded with nutrient-dense vegetables, tastes fantastic and offers a host of health advantages. With this potent mixture, you can reduce inflammation, cleanse your liver and intestines, cut cholesterol, and even get relief from a number of diseases.

Rich in Nutrients Ingredients

Known for its health-promoting qualities, our recipe for Brussels Sprouts Delight incorporates a range of ingredients:

  • Brussels Sprouts: These tiny green marvels are a nutritional powerhouse since they are high in fiber and antioxidants.
  • Onion and garlic: These aromatics not only contribute amazing flavor, but they also strengthen the immune system and lower inflammation.
  • Lemon and orange juice: Packed with vitamin C, these zesty citrus drinks help aids in the absorption of iron and maintains a robust immune system.
  • Walnuts: Rich in fiber, proteins, and heart-healthy fats, walnuts support a healthy cardiovascular system.
  • Turmeric: Well-known for its health advantages, turmeric is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
  • Pepper: Increases the absorption of turmeric, hence enhancing its health benefits.

Advantages for Health

Include this recipe in your diet to reap a number of health benefits:

  • Anti-Inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and Brussels sprouts help to manage illnesses such as arthritis by reducing inflammation.
  • Cleaning: The high fiber content of garlic and Brussels sprouts aids in intestinal and liver cleansing, supporting good digestive health.
  • Reduces Cholesterol: By interacting with bile acids in the intestines, the dietary fibers in Brussels sprouts can help reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Natural RemedyYour body’s capacity to repair and sustain itself will be naturally enhanced by this mixture.

How to Produce It Brussels Sprouts Delight is simple and quick to prepare. Here’s how to do it:

Prepare the vegetables by rinsing them and chopping them in half. Finely cut and peel the onion and garlic.

How to Produce It

  • Brussels Sprouts Delight is simple and quick to prepare. Here’s how to do it:
  • Prepare the vegetables by rinsing them and chopping them in half. Finely cut and peel the onion and garlic. Cooking:
  • Bring 500ml of water to the boil in big pot.
  • Add the onion, chopped garlic, and Brussels sprouts.
  • Simmer for to minutes, or until the sprouts are soft but still have vibrant green color.
  • Add the freshly squeezed lemon and orange juices and stir.
  • To activate the advantages of turmeric, add liberal dose of pepper along with the turmeric.
  • Blend thoroughly until all components are dispersed equally.
  • Serving suggestion: Top with chopped walnuts for crunch and an additional omega-
  • fatty acid boost. Serve hot.
  • Serving Ideas Savor Brussels Sprouts Delight by itself or as a  as an accompaniment to a lean protein, like fish or grilled chicken. It will not only satisfy your palate, but it will also make a substantial positive impact on your health.

This recipe is a healthy supplement to your regular diet, not just a dinner. For anyone wishing to improve their well-being organically through nutrition, Brussels Sprouts Delight is the ideal choice due to its delicious flavors, simple preparation, and numerous health advantages. Try it and you’ll see the incredible sweetness in every bite!

Air Fryer Arancini

Air Fryer Arancini

You are well aware of how exceptionally good arancini are if you have ever tasted them at a restaurant. For a simpler, lighter take on the traditional dish, these round risotto and cheese balls are coated in seasoned breadcrumbs and air-fried until perfectly crispy. In each one, we inserted a cube of mozzarella for a melt-in-your-mouth surprise.


  1. Eliminate Every Option
  2. One tablespoon of olive oil
  3. one finely chopped shallot
  4. two minced garlic cloves
  5. One cup Arborio rice
  6. one-fourth cup of dry white wine
  7. Three cups warmed low-sodium chicken broth
  8. half a cup of recently grated Parmesan
  9. freshly ground black pepper and kosher salt
  10. Three tablespoons plus half a cup of Italian-style seasoned breadcrumbs
  11. Whole-milk mozzarella cheese cut into fifteen half-inch cubes (from a 3.5-ounce piece)
  12. For the arancini, use nonstick cooking spray.
  13. warmed sauce marinara, for assisting


  • Extra apparatus: a 3.5-liter air fryer
    In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and shallot, and simmer for approximately 2 minutes, stirring now and again, until soft and transparent.
  • For about two minutes, add the rice and stir until it toasts slightly. Add the wine and cook for an additional one to two minutes, or until it is well absorbed.
  • Add the warm chicken stock to the rice, approximately 1/2 cup at a time. Cook, stirring constantly, until the rice is just cooked, about 20 minutes, allowing all of the liquid to be absorbed before adding more. Add the Parmesan, a pinch of pepper, and 3/4 teaspoon of salt and stir.
  • After transferring the risotto to a shallow bowl, chill it for one hour or until it is fully cold.& up to 8 hours (place plastic wrap over it).
  • Add 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs to the risotto and stir until well mixed. 15 arancini, each about 3 tablespoons and 1 1/2 inches in diameter, should be formed out of the ingredients. Place a single mozzarella cube in the middle of each, then massage the ball into a smooth round shape using your palms. Allow it cool completely, about 30 minutes more.
  • In a 3.5-quart air fryer, preheat the oven to 400°F. After putting the remaining half cup of breadcrumbs in a small bowl, coat the arancini evenly with the breadcrumbs. Place the arancini within the basket and use nonstick cooking spray to coat the tops. Cook for about ten minutes, or until crisp and golden brown.
  • Move to a serving tray.then provide warm marinara sauce on the side for dipping.
    The version of this recipe that was first published or broadcast may have changed.

air fryer peanut butter and jelly doughnuts

air fryer peanut butter and jelly doughnuts

Do you adore jelly and peanut butter doughnuts? Now you can use your air fryer at home to prepare them!

Notes on the Recipe:

  • Peanut Butter: You can use chunky peanut butter for this recipe, but really enjoyed using creamy peanut butter. For an allergy-friendly recipe, try using sunbutter if you’re allergic to nuts!
  • JellyFeel free to add any of your preferred jams or jellies in this recipe. It’s advisable that you use jam without seeds.
  • However, you can use black raspberry, raspberry, strawberry, or grape.



  1. Pillsbury Grand Homestyle Biscuits, two packets
  2. one cup grape jelly
  3. One cup creamy peanut butter
  4. Two ounces of room-temperature cream cheese
  5. One-tspn pure vanilla extract
  6. One spoonful of heavy cream
  7. 1/4 cup of sugar, powdered
  8. 1/4 cup of melted, unsalted butter
  9. One-third cup brown sugar
  10. One spoonful of sugar, granulated
  11. one tsp finely ground cinnamon


  • Take the biscuits out of their packaging and lay them out on a wooden cutting board that has been lightly dusted.
  • Press every biscuit to a thickness of approximately 1/4 inch.
  • Beat together peanut butter, cream cheese, heavy cream, vanilla extract, and powdered sugar in a small mixing dish. Beat vigorously until smooth.
  • In the center of each biscuit round, place a dollop of the peanut butter mixture and a spoonful of grape jelly.
  • Pinch the seams to close the biscuit by gathering its edges around the filling’s center.
  • Place in the air fryer, seam side down, and cook on the air fryer setting for six minutes at 320 degrees F.
  • Heat up the butter. Combine cinnamon, granulated sugar, and brown sugar in a another bowl.
  • After brushing butter on each biscuit, sprinkle sugar on top.
  • Warm up the dish, top with chopped peanuts if you’d like, and dig in!