Easy 5-Minute Cake with 2 Eggs Simple and Delicious for Your Daily Treat

Easy 5-Minute Cake with 2 Eggs Simple and Delicious for Your Daily Treat


  1. 100 grams of sugar
  2. and two eggs
  3. – 100 grams of yogurt
  4. – 8 grams of vanilla sugar
  5. – 180 g of all-purpose flour
  6. – 12 g of baking powder
  7. – 50 g of raisins
  8. – 100 ml of milk,
  9. 80 ml of oil,
  10. and a dash of salt
  11. – Coconut flour
  12. – jam


  • 1. Beat together sugar, vanilla sugar, and two eggs in a mixing dish until thoroughly mixed.
  • 2. Include the oil, yogurt, and milk in the mixture. Blend until a smooth consistency is achieved.
  • 3. Stir in a small amount of salt.
  • 4. Add the baking powder and all-purpose flour gradually while mixing the mixture until it is lump-free.
  • 5. Add the raisins and fold.
  • 6. Fill a dish or mug that is suitable to use in the microwave with the batter.
  • 7. Cook in the microwave for 3–4 minutes on high, or until the cake has raised and placed in the middle. Cooking times might change, so pay attention to it.
  • 8. After finishing, give the cake a minute to cool.
  • 9. Turn the cake over onto a platter and allow it to cool fully.
  • 10. After cooling, cover with jam and sprinkle with coconut flour.
  • 11. Cut, present, and savor your delicious and simple daily treat!

Call to Action: Give this 5-minute cake a try and let us know about your delicious dessert experiences!

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