Easy Homemade Almond Milk

Easy Homemade Almond Milk: Two Simple Methods

Overview Popular dairy-free substitute that’s tasty and simple to prepare at home is almond milk. You can easily make a batch of creamy almond milk to pour over coffee, cereal, or smoothies with just a few basic ingredients and household appliances. These are two simple ways that you can manufacture almond milk in your own kitchen.

Method 1: Traditional Soak and Blend


  1. One cup of uncooked almonds
  2. Four glasses of water
  3. Add-on flavourings and sweeteners (such dates or vanilla essence)


  1. Let the Almonds Soak:

Put the almonds in a basin and add enough water to cover them. Soak them for at least eight hours or for the entire night. As a result, the almonds become softer and easier to combine.

2. Blend the Almonds:

  • After soaking, drain and rinse the almonds.
  • Put 4 cups of fresh water and the soaked almonds in a blender. At this time, you can also add any optional flavourings or sweeteners.
  • Blend for one to two minutes on high speed, or until smooth and creamy.

    3. Strain the Mixture:

  • Cover a big bowl with cheesecloth, a fine-mesh strainer, or a nut milk bag.
  • Once the milk has drained into the bowl, pour the almond mixture into the bag or sieve. Press out as much liquid as you can using a spoon or spatula.

4. Store and Enjoy:

  • Pour the drained almond milk into a fresh bottle or container.
  • For up to three or four days, keep it refrigerated. Thoroughly shake before using.

Method 2: Blend and strain quickly


  • One cup of uncooked almonds
  • Four glasses of water
  • Add-on flavourings and sweeteners (like cinnamon or maple syrup)


  1. Mix the Almonds:
  • Blend the almonds with 4 cups water and any other flavourings or sweeteners in a blender.
  • Blend until smooth and creamy, about one to two minutes on high speed.

    2. Pour the Blender Out:

  • To strain the almond milk, proceed with Method 1’s steps 3 and 4.


In summary You can quickly and simply create tasty almond milk at home using these two easy ways. Whether you prefer the traditional soak and blend method or the quick blend and strain method, homemade almond milk is a nutritious and versatile alternative to dairy milk. Try it out and savour the smooth, delicious flavour of homemade almond milk in your preferred dishes!

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