How Can Baking Soda Help You Have a House That Always Smells Good?

How Can Baking Soda Help You Have a House That Always Smells Good?

We all want to live in a home with a pleasant scent all the time. However, foul smells from smoking, cooking, painting, or even our children’s shoes can occasionally linger in our houses. Furthermore, it might be difficult to maintain a fresh scent in our homes because of the restricted airflow brought on by rain and cold weather.

Baking soda can help in this situation! A quick and easy way to get rid of unpleasant smells and maintain a fresh scent throughout your house is to use baking soda. The best thing is that using it is simple!

Making a Handmade Room Fragrance

Use baking soda to make your own room aroma by following these easy steps:

What You’ll require:

  1. One-teaspoon baking soda
  2. Three cups of warm water
  3. Three tsp fabric softener


  • Pour the fabric softener, lukewarm water, and baking soda into an empty spray bottle.
  • To ensure that all the components are mixed, firmly close the bottle and shake well.
  • Your handmade room aroma is now prepared for usage! How to Apply: Just mist the mixture throughout your house, paying particular attention to odor-prone areas.
  • Give the room’s aroma time to fill the air and do its magic.
  • The aroma of baking soda will fill your house with welcome, clean scent as it absorbs the smells.
  • You may enjoy house that smells great all the time and wave goodbye to unpleasant scents with this handcrafted room perfume.

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