How to Prevent a Heart Attack in Just 60 Seconds Using Cayenne Pepper

How to Prevent a Heart Attack in Just 60 Seconds Using Cayenne Pepper !Did you know that you can stop a heart attack in under a minute with a straightforward and effective chemical found in your kitchen? It’s accurate! Herbalist John Christopher claims to know a recipe that may halt a heart attack in under 60 seconds. What is the element that’s kept a secret? Cayenne spice!

You may be asking yourself how a basic cooking spice can have such a significant impact on heart health. It is well known that cayenne pepper speeds up heart rate and enhances blood flow throughout the body. Additionally, it has a hemostatic action, which helps the body recover after a heart attack and rapidly halt bleeding.

Using cayenne pepper is easy. If you or someone you know is experiencing a heart attack, simply mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water and have the person drink it. Make sure they are conscious for this to work effectively. If the person is unconscious, you can use cayenne pepper extract and put a few drops under their tongue.

Dr. Schulz’s Cayenne Tincture Recipe

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