No-Oven Chocolate Strawberry Dessert Cake

No-Oven Chocolate Strawberry Dessert Cake


* Cake Ingredients:

  1. two eggs
  2. 40 grams of sugar
  3. 1/4 tspn powdered vanilla
  4. A tsp of salt and ten grams of cocoa powder
  5. 150 milliliters of milk
  6. One hundred grams of all-purpose flour
  7. 20 grams of cooking oil

Regarding the Cream:

  1. Two hundred grams of cream cheese
  2. 30 grams of condensed milk with sugar
  3. Half a teaspoon of optional vanilla essence

For the Chocolate Layer, strawberries:

  1. One hundred milliliters of milk
  2. Half a teaspoon powdered agar agar (optional)
  3. One hundred grams of chocolate
  4. fifteen grams of roasted peanuts


Get the batter ready:

  1. Beat eggs, sugar, vanilla extract, and salt well in a mixing dish.
  2. Stir in milk, cooking oil, all-purpose flour, and cocoa powder. Stir to get a smooth batter.
  3. Cooking Without an Oven:
  4. Apply oil grease to a pot or deep pan with a cover.
  5. Fill the pan with buttered cake batter.

Cooktop Cooking:

  • A toothpick put into the middle should come out clean after 45 to 50 minutes of cooking the pan with the lid on.
    Periodically check to prevent burning. As necessary, adjust the heat.

Get the Cream Ready:

  • Cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, and (if used) vanilla extract should all be combined in a dish. Blend until a creamy, smooth consistency is achieved. Put aside.
    Layer of Chocolate:

Prepare the Chocolate Glaze:

  • Heat the milk and Agar-Agar powder (if using) in a saucepan until they begin to boil.
  • Stir the chocolate into the hot milk until it melts and the liquid starts to get somewhat thicker.
  • Take it off the stove and give it some time to cool.

Putting together:

Cake Assembly:

  • After the cake cools, evenly cover the top with the cream cheese mixture. Cut into slices
  • strawberries, then arrange them on top of the layer of cream cheese.
  • Over the top of cream cheese and strawberries, drizzle the chocolate glaze.
  • Roasted peanuts should be sprinkled over the chocolate coating.
  • Before serving, let the cake cool in the fridge.
  • Savor this delectable chocolate strawberry dessert cake that doesn’t require the oven!

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