Quick Wild Fruit Jam Recipe

Quick Wild Fruit Jam Recipe!

Whip Up a Delicious and Healthy Breakfast with This Quick Wild Fruit Jam Recipe!

Introduction: Hello, everyone who enjoys breakfast! This recipe for wild fruit jam is a simple and quick way to have a tasty and healthy start to the day. This jam, which is made without any added sugar, is a great addition to your daily routine. Prepare to have your taste buds teased and your day boosted by a rush of delicious fruit!

The Recipe: What is so unique about this recipe for wild fruit jam? It’s easy: simply some lemon juice, a handful of frozen or fresh wild berries, plus a hint of natural sweetness from ripe apples or bananas. And that’s it! No need for added sugar or artificial sweeteners – just pure, wholesome ingredients bursting with flavor.


  1. Gather your ingredients first: ripe bananas or apples, lemon juice, and your choice of wild berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries).
  2. Put the wild berries and a spritz of lemon juice in a saucepan. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a moderate simmer, stirring from time to time.
  3. Add the chopped apples or mashed bananas when the berries start to soften and release their juices. These all-natural sweeteners will improve the fruity flavour and thicken the jam.
  4. Simmer the mixture for a further 10 to 15 minutes, or until the consistency you desire is achieved. Use an immersion blender or potato masher to break up any larger chunks of fruit if you want a smoother jam.
  5. Once the jam has thickened to your liking, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly before transferring it to a clean jar or container.
  6. Store your homemade wild fruit jam in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, and enjoy it spread on toast, stirred into yogurt, or drizzled over oatmeal for a delicious and nutritious breakfast treat!

The Benefits: This recipe for wild fruit jam is very healthful in addition to being delicious. You may get the flavour of classic jam without any additional sugar or artificial additives by using ripe bananas or apples as natural sweeteners instead of sugar. Plus, wild berries are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making this jam the perfect choice for a wholesome and satisfying breakfast.


In conclusion, you can improve the quality of your breakfast by making a quick batch of this wild fruit jam with just a few basic ingredients and little preparation time. Say goodbye to store-bought jams loaded with sugar and hello to a healthier, tastier alternative that you can feel good about enjoying every day!

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