Spinach and Gruyere Cheese Quiche with a Hash Brown Crust

Spinach and Gruyere Cheese Quiche with a Hash Brown Crust

Items needed to make the Hash Brown Crust:

  1. – Three cups of thawed and super-moisturized frozen hash browns

To make the quiche filling,

  1. cut three pieces of chicken; use one package of baby spinach; and dice half a cup of bell peppers.
  2. – Two minced garlic cloves
  3. 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
  4. – Six big eggs
  5. – Half a cup of whole milk
  6. A half cup of grated Gruyere cheese and three teaspoons of butter
  7. – One-fourth teaspoon of black pepper
  8. – A single sprinkle of nutmeg
  9. One-half teaspoon salt, separated


1. Set the oven temperature to 375°F, or 190°C. Pat a 9-inch pie plate clean.
2. Place the thawed hash browns, 2 tablespoons melted butter, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a mixing dish. To construct the crust, press the hash browns firmly into the bottom and up the sides of the prepared pie plate.
3. Cook the hash brown crust for 20 to 25 minutes, or until crispy and golden brown, in a preheated oven. Take out of the oven and place aside.
4. Cook the diced chicken in a pan over medium heat until it becomes crispy. After taking the chicken out of the skillet, pat dry using paper towels. Put aside.
5. Add the last tablespoon of butter to the same skillet. After melting, include the chopped onion and bell peppers. Cook for 3–4 minutes, or until tender. One more minute is spent cooking after adding the minced garlic.
6. Include the baby spinach and heat it in the pan until it wilts. Take off the heat source and allow it to cool somewhat.
7. In another mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, whole milk, black pepper, and shredded Gruyere cheese.Add the remaining 1/4 teaspoon of salt and nutmeg.
8. Ensure that the egg mixture is uniformly blended by stirring in the cooked bacon and spinach combination.
9. Fill the hash brown crust that has been prebaked with the quiche filling.
10. After preheating the oven, put the quiche in and bake it for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the middle is set.
11. Before slicing and serving, take the quiche out of the oven and allow it to cool for a few minutes.
12. You may serve the warm or room temperature spinach and gruyere cheese quiche with a hash brown crust. Have fun!

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