Air Fryer Cookie Dough Egg Rolls

Air Fryer Cookie Dough Egg Rolls

Egg rolls, meet the Air Fryer Cookie Dough Egg Rolls. There’s a new, delectable appetizer in town.

You’ll be coming back for more of these crispy outside and gooey inside air fryer cookie dough egg rolls because they’re the ideal balance of sweet and savory.

How should leftover cookie dough egg rolls be stored? For up to three days, keep them refrigerated in an airtight container. Before serving, reheat in the oven or air fryer to recrisp.

Is it possible to prepare the cookie dough for this recipe from scratch? Of course! This dish can be made with homemade cookie dough, which is safe to eat raw since it doesn’t include eggs and uses flour that has been heat-treated.


  1.  Half a cup of melted, unsalted butter
  2. Half a cup of brown sugar
  3. 1/4 cup of sugar, granulated
  4. One cup of flour for all purposes
  5. One kosher salt tesapoon
  6. One-tspn pure vanilla extract
  7. One cup of normal or tiny chocolate chips
  8. Eight wrappers for egg rolls


  • Prepare the cookie dough in advance for the filling. Cream the butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar in a sizable mixing basin.
  • Next, mix in the mini chocolate chips, salt, pure vanilla extract, and all-purpose flour. Until the cookie dough forms, thoroughly mix.
  • Place around two tablespoons of cookie dough in the egg roll wrapper’s middle.
  • Apply a thin layer of water to the egg roll wrapper’s ends with a pastry brush. After rolling the egg roll, tuck the ends under. The egg roll wrapper is sealed from top to bottom. Continue until all of the cookie dough or egg roll wrappers have been utilized.
  • Put some frying spray in the basket of your air fryer. After putting the egg rolls in the air fryer basket, adjust the temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for five to seven minutes.
  • Arrange, present, and enjoy

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