Air Fryer Grilled Cheese

Air Fryer Grilled Cheese

A recipe for Grilled Cheese made in the Air Fryer. A unique take on a classic that has a gooey, cheesy interior and is crispy and toasted!


It looks as though everything can be prepared in an air fryer, even this Air Fryer Grilled Cheese! In addition to making the bread lovely and crispy without becoming soggy as it sometimes does when made on the stovetop, it’s a pleasant change of pace from cooking it that way. You can have a deliciously crispy sandwich with delightfully gooey melted cheese using just three ingredients. You must if you want to experiment with your air fryer or are searching for new ways to prepare some of your old favorites.


  1. 2 tablespoons soft unsalted butter,
  2. 4 slices white bread (or bread of your choosing),
  3. and 6 slices American cheese


  • For five minutes, preheat the air fryer to 350°F.
  • Toast a single slice of bread by spreading 1/4 of the butter on one side.
  • Put the bread, butter side down, in the air fryer’s basket.
  • Place three cheese slices on top.
  • Spread 1/4 of the butter on one side of a second piece of bread. Put this slice of bread, butter side up, on top.
  • After closing the air fryer, cook for 4–5 minutes, or until softly golden brown. Then, turn it over and cook for a further 2–3 minutes, or until it’s toasted to your preference.
  • Continue using the remaining components. Accompany with your preferred side dishes.


  • Feel free to use any type of bread for this recipe!
  • It is not advised to freeze leftovers.
  • This is readily doubled.
  • Blend your cheese.

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