Air fryer parmesan and herb bubble bread

Air fryer parmesan and herb bubble bread As you are aware if you have been reading my blog, I enjoy baking and cooking. Using a new kitchen tool is one of the things that makes cooking so much joy. My life has altered since I recently acquired an air fryer! I’ll show you how to create Air Fryer Herb and Parmesan Bubble Bread in your air fryer in this blog post! It tastes fantastic and is very simple!

Anybody who like a decent piece of bread? And who doesn’t enjoy using an air fryer in the kitchen? Because there’s no need to preheat the oven, this recipe is ideal for cooks on the go. The outcome is an outside layer that is so crispy and crunchy that will make your mouth swim!

Recipe By: Forktospoon

Set Up Time: Fifteen minutes     

Cooking Time: 16 minutes

Thirty-one minutes in total

Eight servings are available


Ingredients For air fryer parmesan and herb bubble bread:


  1. 1/4 cup unsalted, melted butter
  2. One tablespoon of dried parsley
  3. Half a teaspoon of powdered garlic
  4. Two tablespoons of minced garlic
  5. One tsp finely grated Parmesan cheese
  6. Two chilled cookie cans

Instructions For air fryer parmesan and herb bubble bread:

  • In a small mixing bowl, combine the melted butter, minced garlic, dried parsley, parmesan cheese, and garlic powder. Blend thoroughly.
  • Use a non-stick cooking spray on any pan that is safe to use with an air fryer. To ensure that none of the bread sticks, make sure it’s completely coated.
  • Slice one of your biscuits into four pieces.
  • After that, form them into balls and cover them with the butter blend. After coating them, put them in the baking pan that has been buttered.
  • After using all of the dough, finish by placing the pan on the rack or in the air fryer basket.
  • For 12 to 16 minutes, set the air fryer to 330 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Arrange, present, and savour!


Notes for Recipes:

  1. You can use this recipe with any model of Air Fryer basket or oven. This has also been prepared in the Instant Pot Crisp Lid, GoWise, Emeril Air Freyr, Ninja Foodi, and even the Mealthy Lid. While the cooking time will change, the recipe will stay the same.
  2. This recipe can also be made with frozen bread dough; the results will be the same. You will be using frozen dough, therefore the cooking time will be longer.
    Use a thinner pan for optimal results, but avoid stacking the dough if you have any extra. If not, it won’t cook through.
  3. The dough will cook more evenly in a single layer than in stacks. The dough will stay raw where you stack.
    Bake the dough until it is cooked all throughout. If the dough is still raw in the middle, cover it securely with aluminium foil and lower the air fryer temperature to 300 degrees F. Cook the Air Fryer Parmesan and Herb Bubble Bread until it is cooked through.


Nourishment Facts For Recipe:
Serving: One Gram56 kcal of caloriesOne gram of carbohydrates0.3g of protein6g of fatFour grams of saturated fat0.2g of polyunsaturated fat2g of monounsaturated fatTrans Fat: 0.2 g16 mg of cholesterol49 milligrammes of sodium15 milligrams of potassium0.1g of fibre0.03g of sugar222 IU of vitamin AOne milligram of vitamin C8 mg of calciumIron: 0.1 mg

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