I Can Eat This Soup All Summer Long! So Delicious You’ll Cook It Every Week!

I Can Eat This Soup All Summer Long! So Delicious You’ll Cook It Every Week!

The intense heat of summer necessitates cold, revitalizing foods that are simple to make and filling to consume. This soup of beets and cucumbers is excellent! It’s the perfect dish to keep you nourished and cool during the summer because of its blend of vibrant, fresh ingredients and its cool temperature. This post will discuss how to prepare this delicious soup, its health advantages, and several serving ideas to maximize its flavor.


  1. Two boiled beets: These give the soup a naturally sweet flavor and a rich, dark hue.
  2. Two tablespoons of lemon juice: Adds a tangy note to counterbalance the tastes.
  3. Four fresh cucumbers: Offer a crisp, cold taste.
  4. Three boiled eggs: Provide a substantial, high-protein texture.
  5. An abundance of green onions: Gives food a zesty, new taste.
  6. A large bunch of dill adds a fragrant, herbaceous accent.
  7. Kefir or yogurt (900 ml): Adds a creamy, zesty basis to the soup.
  8. 300 milliliters of water: This adds the ideal amount of thinness to the soup.
  9. Add 1-2 tablespoons of American mustard to add a subtle, tangy taste.
  10. For seasoning, add salt and ground black pepper to taste.


  • Get the beets ready: Using a fine or medium grater, shred the boiling beets. Put them into a big pot.
  • Incorporate lemon juice: Add the grated beets to the lemon juice mixture.
  • To prepare the cucumbers, finely chop or use a coarse grater to grate the fresh cucumbers. Include them in the pot.
  • The boiled eggs should be chopped or grated before being added to the stew.
  • Finely chop the green onions. Add the finely chopped green onions to the saucepan.
  • Dill is mashed: Chop the dill finely, put it in a mortar, add salt, and pound it to extract its juice. Place it inside the pot.
  • Include liquids: Fill the saucepan with cold kefir or yogurt, then add the water.
  • Add salt, ground black pepper, and American mustard to taste when seasoning and mixing. Stir everything thoroughly.
  • Chill and serve: For optimal results, let the soup cool in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.
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Advice and Adaptations

  • Make use of fresh ingredients: Make sure your beets and cucumbers are fresh for maximum flavor.
  • Make the soup your own: Add additional herbs, like chives or parsley. to add more taste.
    To make the soup a thinner consistency, use more water or kefir; to make a thicker soup, use less.

Advantages for Health

Rich in nutrients: Cucumbers and beets are rich in important vitamins and minerals.
Hydrating: Cucumbers’ high water content aids in maintaining your fluid balance.
Increased protein: Hard-boiled eggs are a fantastic source of protein.

Serving Ideas
Add some fresh herbs on top: For a taste boost, garnish the soup with additional parsley or dill.
Serve the soup with a slice of crusty bread for a filling and hearty supper.
Put a dollop of sour cream on top: Place a tiny spoonful of sour cream on top for an extra creamy touch.
Keeping & Remaining Food
Store leftovers in the fridge: Any leftovers should be kept in an airtight container in up to three days in the refrigerator.
Before serving, give the soup a thorough stir because the ingredients could settle.

In summary
It’s a summertime favorite that you’ll want to cook again and again: refreshing beet and cucumber soup. This recipe is ideal for hot days when you want a light dinner because of its nutrient-packed ingredients, creamy texture, and refreshing aromas. Savor it with your preferred side dishes, as a main course, or as an appetizer.

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