Pink Cherry Jell-O Fluff

Pink Cherry Jell-O Fluff

Many people love fluffy fruit salads, which are a holiday and gathering staple. I modified a recipe to make this incredibly fluffy and tasty Cherry Fluff, using half as much cottage cheese as normal.

The end product is a light and fluffy dessert that can be customized in countless ways by selecting the flavor of Jell-O and adding different fruits on the top

Although I don’t like cottage cheese in desserts of this kind, I did cut the quantity in half by using only one cup rather than two. This, in my opinion, kept the fluff nicely light and not overly “chewy.”

felt that this dessert’s texture and flavor were excellent. I can’t stop thinking of different Jell-O flavors and fruits to try out in this recipe.


  1. .One cup cottage cheese
  2. 8 oz. Cool Whip (alternate substitution shown in notes)
  3. Box cherry, 3 ounces I used ordinary Jell-O, but I haven’t tried the sugar-free version, which is supposed to be an option.
  4. 8-oz can of drained and crushed pineapple
  5. Ten-ounce jar of drained and discarded stems of maraschino cherries


  •  Put all the ingredients in a big basin, excluding the cherries. Mix thoroughly.
  • Halve every cherry that you have. Half should be added to the pink fluff and stirred in; the other half should be saved for garnish. Place the remaining cherry halves on top of the fluff and refrigerate until ready to serve.


  • Cool Whip can be replaced with Dream Whip. Mix 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 2 packets of dream whip (one packet yields 2 cups of whipped topping). Beat vigorously for a few minutes, then let it rest for ten minutes. After that, it is prepared for use in the following recipe. This will yield a total of 4 cups.
  • This quantities roughly 3 1/2 cups (8 oz.) of cool whip, so it’s fairly near to that quantity. I chose Dream Whip, and while Cool Whip also works well, I particularly liked the light, airy texture it provided.
  • If you would like, you can use two cups of cottage cheese instead of one.

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