Recipe for Pancakes Without Flour Healthy Diet Breakfast in 3 Minutes

Recipe for Pancakes Without Flour Healthy Diet Breakfast in 3 Minutes

Pancakes for breakfast are a favorite of many. They are tasty, fluffy, and filling. What if, however, you could have pancakes without utilizing flour? These flourless pancakes will quickly become a favorite in your morning routine, whether you’re searching for a gluten-free alternative or you just want to try something different.


  1. Batter for pancake:
  2. 150.3 grams, or 5.3 ounces One ounce (25 grams) of
  3. cottage cheese coconut flour
  4. One egg and one-third tsp baking soda

Sauce with Berries:

  • Frozen Berries, 2 cups
  • One tablespoon of lemon juice
  • sweetener to taste (one tablespoon of stevia, for example)

What you’ll need to create these flourless pancakes is:

Information on Nutrition

  • Equivalent to 164.25 kcal
  • 7.54 g of fat and 16.15 g of protein
  • 7.73 g of carbohydrates.

How to Make Berry Sauce

  • Put two cups of frozen berries, one tablespoon of lemon juice, and sugar to taste in a pot.
  • Cook, stirring regularly, over medium heat until mixture begins to thicken.
  • After it becomes thick, turn off the heat and leave it to cool.
  • How to Make Pancake Batter
  • Beat together 1 egg, 150 g cottage cheese, and a little amount of salt in a bowl.
  • Mix in 25 grams of coconut flour and then quickly stir in 1/3 tsp baking soda.
  • The batter should be fully mixed and thick after stirring.
    Directions for Cooking
  • On low heat, preheat a nonstick pan.
  • If necessary, use cooking spray or oil to gently coat the pan.
  • Using around two teaspoons, pour the pancake batter onto the pan.

every pancake.
Cook the pancakes for two to three minutes on each side, or until they are cooked through and golden brown.
After cooked, take out of the pan and serve with the berry sauce that has been made.

Why Flourless Pancakes Are Beneficial

  • Gluten-free: Ideal for people who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
  • High protein: A fantastic source of protein to help you feel content and full is cottage cheese.
  • Low-carb: Compared to regular pancakes, these have fewer carbs since coconut flour is used as a replacement.
  • Delicious: These pancakes are tasty and fluffy even though they don’t include any wheat.

Changes and Extensions
For added taste, mix in either cinnamon or vanilla essence with the batter.
substituting your preferred fruits or toppings for the berries.
adding chocolate chips or almonds to the mixture to give it more texture.Success Advice
To avoid burning, make sure you cook the pancakes on low heat.
For optimal results, use a non-stick pan or griddle.
You can experiment with the amount of sweetener to suit your preferred level of sweetness in the berry sauce.
In summary
You can have tasty flourless pancakes for breakfast with just a few basic ingredients and little preparation time. These pancakes will definitely fulfill your desires, regardless of whether you’re on a gluten-free diet or are just searching for a healthier option. Try these out to get your day off to a great start!

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