Tasty Air Fryer Empanadas

Tasty Air Fryer Empanadas Using prepared pie crusts for the dough and heating them in an air fryer makes making empanadas simple! Tender veggies and savoury ground beef fill it to the brim, making it impossible to resist having another.

Since I’m all about convenience, air-frying them is the best option. The only difference between these rich and perfectly cooked golden-brown empanadas cooked in an air fryer and those that require oil frying is that they cook in just ten minutes!

In case you still need more convincing, the dough for this recipe is created with prefabricated pie crust. Put another way, even less preparation! You won’t be able to get enough of the flavorful blend of veggies and spiced ground meat that fills it up.
Recipe By: Alyssa Rivers

TIME FOR PREP: 30 minutes
Cooking time is ten minutes.
A total of forty minutes
SERVINGS: Ten enchiladas


Ingredients For Tasty Air Fryer Empanadas:

  • 4 ounces of diced potato
  • 1/2 pound of lean ground beef
  • ⅓ cup of minced yellow onion
  • Finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 1/2 cup frozen peas
  • Minced garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon each of salt, pepper, and cumin
  • 1 teaspoon each of oregano and chilli powder
  • One-Forth cup beef broth
  • One-Tablespoon tomato paste
  • Two ready made pie crusts
  • Two egg whites
  • Two teaspoons of water



Once the potatoes are fork-tender, boil the diced potatoes. After draining, set away.
Add the ground beef and onion to a large frying pan and sauté until the beef is evenly browned. Add the peas and bell pepper to the pan. After 5 to 7 minutes of sautéing, the veggies should be soft.
Add the cooked potatoes, tomato paste, beef broth, garlic, salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, oregano, and chilli powder. After thoroughly mixing in the liquids and spices, sauté the mixture until the liquid has decreased. Take the filling off of the hob.

Roll out the pie dough and cut into circles about 4 inches in diameter using a cookie cutter or a large enough rimmed cup. To get at least ten, you’ll need to gather the leftovers, roll them out, and cut more circles.
In a separate bowl, mix together the egg whites and water to make the egg wash.

Lay out one of the dough circles on a work surface, fill the centre with about 2 tablespoons of filling, and lightly egg wash the edge of one side of the dough.

To form a half circle, fold the dough in half over the filling. Crimp the edges together using a fork. Proceed with the remaining dough and filling.
After brushing each empanada with egg wash, air fry it for 8 to 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, rotating it halfway through. Make the empanadas in batches, leaving space between them.


Nutrition Guide:

47 kcal of nutrition calories
3g of carbohydrates

6g of protein
Fat: 1 gramme
One gramme of saturated fat
0.1g of polyunsaturated fat
1g of monounsaturated fat
Trans Fat: 0.1 g
14 mg of cholesterol
297 milligrammes of sodium
158 milligrammes of potassium
1g of fibre
1g of sugar
412 IU of vitamin A
11 mg of vitamin C
14 mg of calcium
Iron: 1 mg
Since nutrition data is computed automatically, it should only be used as a rough guide.

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