Air Fryer Focaccia Bread

Air Fryer Focaccia Bread The good news for all of us who adore air fryers is that you can create amazing, delectable focaccia bread in an air fryer. Yes, bread made in an air fryer has the potential to be so delicious that it will be difficult to believe it was not baked in an oven.

You will love this focaccia bread made in an air fryer. It will also be a wonderful present for family members, neighbours, and friends. Give it a go! You will love it!

Ingredients For Air Fryer Focaccia Bread:

Components focaccia Dough

  • 500 g all-purpose flour (I like to use King Arthur flour for this recipe)
  • 400 g of room temperature water
  • Three grammes of instant yeast
  • Nine grams of sea salt

Additional Ingredients and Toppings

  • 2 tablespoons softened unsalted butter
  • Six tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, plus additional
  • if necessary; two cloves of finely sliced or chopped garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
  • one cup of finely chopped herbs parsley, sage, dill, and basil

Instructions For Air Fryer Focaccia Bread:

  • Water, flour, yeast, and salt should all be added to a big basin. Make sure the ingredients do not come into contact with one another before mixing. By hand, combine the dough by squeezing it between your fingers until a cohesive, sticky mass forms. Place a plastic wrap over the bowl and leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Stretch and fold for twenty minutes, then for twenty more minutes, and then for twenty more minutes. Once the dough has been shaped into a ball, coat it with two tablespoons olive oil. For a further twenty minutes, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the dough to rest.
  • Scoop up three equal portions of dough and place them onto three 7.5″ x 5″ foil pans that have been oiled with two teaspoons of butter (See Notes). Each dough piece should be stretched to completely fill the pan’s bottom. Refrigerate for up to 24 hours or overnight after covering with plastic wrap.
  • Two hours before baking, take the dough out of the refrigerator and cover it to let it to prove at room temperature.
  • Drizzle a generous amount of olive oil over the dough. Make deep indentations all over the dough’s surface using your fingertips. After distributing the toppings, pour a little olive oil over everything.
  • Bake for about 12 minutes at the maximum temperature, which is typically 400F. Since each air fryer bakes bread differently, start checking early. Your bread could be done sooner, or the baking time might need to be extended by a few minutes. There is no need to preheat your air fryer.
  • The focaccia should be carefully moved to a large cutting board, sliced, and served hot. It tastes finest at this point. Have fun!

This recipe’s pan size (7.,5″ x 5″) is meant for my air fryer, which has an inside measurement of 10″ by 10″. You might need to use different sized pans and split the dough into multiple portions, like 2, 4, etc., depending on the size of your air fryer.

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