air fryer jam stuffed french toast

air fryer jam stuffed french toast

You’ll never cook French toast easier than this. It’s a delicious and simple method to finish off stale bread. You have a quick and kid-friendly breakfast when you add classic French toast components.

Expert Advice

  • Choose a dense, hearty bread such as challah or brioche. These varieties resist becoming soggy by holding up well to the jam and egg mixture.
  • Application of Jam: Evenly distribute the jam, taking care not to get it too near the edges. This keeps the jam from seeping out while it cooks.
  • Consistency of Egg Mixture: For your French toast to have a uniform coating, you need thoroughly whisk your egg mixture. A little milk added aids in the texture’s soft, custardy quality.
  • Prevent Over-Soaking: Instead of soaking the bread, quickly dip it into the egg mixture. This keeps the bread from getting overly dense and moist.
  • Preheating the Air Fryer: For optimal results, always preheat your air fryer. It guarantees even frying and contributes to a crispy exterior


  1. six pieces of any kind of bread
  2. 1/4 cup any kind of strawberry jam
  3. One big egg
  4. three tsp of milk
  5. One tsp vanilla essence
  6. Three tablespoons of powdered sugar


  • Place the bread on a chopping board to begin. Cut a circle in the center of the bread with a biscuit cutter.
  • Place approximately 1 spoonful of jam (or jelly) in the center of the toast.
  • Sandwich the top between two pieces. (Place the top over the jam.) Next, combine the eggs, vanilla, and milk
  • Transfer the sugar to a separate bowl.
  • Dip the French toast in the egg mixture for your sandwich.
  • Once both sides of the egg mixture have been applied to the french toast, place it in an air fryer tray or basket that has been oiled (both sprayed with olive oil).
  • Reinstall the tray or basket in the air fryer. Preheat the air fryer to 320 degrees Fahrenheit and set the timer for 5 minutes.
  • When the allotted time has elapsed, quickly drop the French toast into the sugar bowl and coat both sides.
  • Arrange, present, and savor!

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