Air Fryer Taco Ring

Air Fryer Taco Ring


  1. Lean ground beef, ½ pound
  2. Half a cup water
  3. Two tsp of taco seasoning mixture
  4. One cup of cheddar cheese, shredded
  5. One can of crescent rolls


  • Cook the ground beef in a medium skillet over medium to high heat until the meat is well browned.
  • Turn off the heat and pour away any extra fat from the skillet. Stir to coat meat after adding water and taco seasoning. Add onions and jalapeños, or any other extras you want to add to your taco rings.
  • Put some parchment paper into the air fryer basket.
  • To construct a round sun shape, open the crescent roll container, separate each roll, and arrange the rolls on the parchment paper, gently overlapping at the larger triangular ends.
  • Spoon the ground beef evenly across the middle ofthe circle of crescent rolls. Next, add cheese to the beef and any additional ingredients you choose, such onions or jalapenos.
  • The beef mixture is then covered with the tops of each crescent roll, which is then tucked under the circle to seal it and prevent the mixture from escaping.
  • Dough should be air-fried at 350 degrees for 6 to 8 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through.
  • When the taco crescents are still hot, carefully remove the taco ring from the basket.


  • Favorite optional toppings include chopped tomatoes, sweet corn, crispy tortilla chips, shredded lettuce, black beans, salsa, ripe olives, refried beans, and queso cheese.
  • Sour cream, guacamole, salsa verde, hot sauce, nacho cheese, and garlic aioli are some examples of optional favorite dipping sauces. Options for replacements include Monterey Jack, cream cheese, Mexican cheese, ground turkey, ground chicken, and a cheese stick.

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