Mini buns with chicken stuffing

 Mini buns with chicken stuffing Overview Delicious bite-sized delights, little buns with chicken stuffing are ideal for picnics, celebrations, or a fun family dinner.

These buns are very delicious and satisfying because they are stuffed with a tasty and savoury chicken combination. Here’s a detailed recipe for making these mouthwatering tiny buns from scratch.

Ingredients for Mini buns with chicken stuffing

Ingredients for Dough:

  1. Three cups of all-purpose flour
  2. One cup of warm milk
  3. Two tablespoons of sugar
  4. Activated Dry Two teaspoons of yeast
  5. 1/4 cup melted butter
  6. One beaten egg (for the dough)
  7. One teaspoon of salt

Regarding the Stuffed Chicken:

  1. Two cups of cooked chicken, shredded (you can use rotisserie or leftover chicken).
  2. One finely sliced onion
  3. Two minced cloves of garlic
  4. Ring One finely chopped pepper and one finely grated carrot
  5. Half a cup of frozen or thawed peas
  6. Two tablespoons of soy sauce
  7. Two teaspoons of ketchup or tomato sauce
  8. To taste, add salt and pepper.
  9. Oil: For frying

To Complete:

  1. One beaten egg (for the egg wash)
  2. Optional sesame seeds to sprinkle on

Instructions for Mini buns with chicken stuffing


Step 1: Get the dough ready

  • Get the Yeast Going: Mix the sugar, active dry yeast, and warm milk together in a large mixing dish. Give it a good five to ten minutes to get foamy.
  • Combine the Dough Ingredients: Add the beaten egg, salt, and melted butter to the yeast mixture. Add the flour gradually and stir until a soft dough forms.
  • Knead the dough: Place the dough on a surface dusted with flour and knead it for 8 to 10 minutes, or until it is smooth and elastic.
  • First Rise: After the dough has been oiled and covered with a damp towel, set it in a warm location and let it rise for about an hour or until it has doubled in size.

Step 2: Make the stuffing for the chicken

  • Prepare the Veggies: In a skillet over medium heat, heat the oil. Add the carrot, bell pepper, onions, and garlic; sauté until the vegetables are tender.
  • Add the seasonings and chicken. Add the peas, tomato sauce, soy sauce, and cooked, shredded chicken. Cook until thoroughly blended, a few more minutes. To taste, add salt and pepper for seasoning. Put aside to cool.

Step 3: Put the Buns Together

  • Create the Buns: After the dough has risen, punch it down and remove it to a surface dusted with flour. Cut the dough into tiny pieces that resemble golf balls.
  • Form each portion into a disc and flatten it. Then, put a tablespoon of the chicken mixture in the centre of each bun. Gather the sides and pinch to seal. Place seam-side down on a baking sheet covered with paper.

Step 4: The Second Ascent

  • Allow to Rise Again: After covering the filled buns with a fresh kitchen towel, allow them to rise for an additional half-hour.

Step 5: Bake the Buns

  • Turn on the Oven: Set the oven’s temperature to 375°F, or 190°C.
  • Apply Egg Wash: Drizzle beaten egg over the tops of buns and, if desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Bake: Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden brown, in an oven that has been prepared.

Step 6: Serve Cool and Serve:

  • Before serving, allow the buns to cool slightly on a wire rack. Warm is the ideal temperature for enjoying them.

Recipe By: Fitnessnip

In summary:

Not only are mini buns with chicken stuffing a lot of fun to cook, but they’re also quite adaptable and suitable for any kind of gathering. They may be tailored with numerous fillings to suit your preferences and deliver a tasty punch with every bite. These warm, filled buns make a delicious snack or dinner when served with a side of your preferred dipping sauce.

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