Ground beef, linguine noodles, brown sugar, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and hoisin sauce are the ingredients in this recipe for Mongolian ground beef noodles. I didn’t have any stir-fried vegetables on this particular night, but they would have been delicious combined in with this. The kids really like it, and it was quite flavorful! Although you may use any kind of noodle, I believe linguine works best. This dish is quickly assembled in a few easy steps.



  1. 16-oz linguine noodles in a packet
  2. One pound of ground beef
  3. half a cup of soy sauce
  4. one-third cup hoisin sauce
  5. one-third cup of brown sugar
  6. A single cup of beef stock
  7. a freshly grated 2-inch chunk of ginger (or 1/2 tsp ground ginger)
  8. Red pepper flakes,
  9. Diced green onions with a pinch of ground black pepper (for garnish)
  10. Sesame seeds roasted (as a garnish)


  • Make your sauce in a small mixing bowl. Stir in the brown sugar, ginger, red pepper flakes, black pepper, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and beef broth. Put aside.
  • Boil your noodles in a big saucepan as directed on the packet.
  • The meat should be brown and no longer pink in a big deep sauté pan.
  • Fill the meat with the sauce. Stir well and boil for 10 minutes, stirring now and again.
  • After the noodles are cooked, drain the water and add them to the mixture of beef sauce. To coat every noodle, give it a good stir. Allow the noodles to absorb all of the sauce by letting them sit for a few minutes.
  • Add some chopped green onions and toasted sesame seeds as garnish. Have fun!

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