Apple Cake

Apple Cake

Ingredients for a Classic Apple Cake Recipe:

Regarding the Cake:

  1. Two cups of all-purpose flour
  2. A half-tsp of baking powder
  3. One-half teaspoon baking soda
  4. Half a teaspoon of salt
  5. 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
  6. 1½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  7. 1/2 cup (1 stick) softened unsalted butter
  8. 1 cup of sugar, granulated
  9. Two big eggs
  10. One teaspoon vanilla extract
  11. 1/2 cup of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt
  12. Two cups of apples, cored, skinned, and diced (about two medium apples)
  13. Half a cup of finely chopped nuts (such as pecans or walnuts)
  14. Regarding the Optional Garnish:
  15. 1/4 cup of sugar, granulated
  16. 1/2 tsp of cinnamon powder


Warm up the oven:

  • Set the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C). A 9-by-13-inch baking pan or a 9-inch circular cake pan should be greased and floured.

Get the dry ingredients ready.

  • Mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a medium-sized basin. Put aside.

Cream Sugar with Butter:

  • Beat the softened butter and sugar in a large basin with an electric mixer until light and fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the vanilla and eggs:

  • One egg at a time, beating until each is thoroughly mixed in before adding the next. Add the vanilla extract and stir.

Mix the ingredients together:

  • Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture gradually, alternating with the sour cream or Greek yogurt. With the dry ingredients, start and finish. Blend until barely mixed.

Add the nuts and apples:

  • When the chopped nuts (if used) and diced apples are evenly distributed, gently fold them in.

Fill Pan with Batter:

  • Evenly distribute the batter after pouring it into the baking pan.

Add a topping (if desired):

  • For the topping, if using, combine the cinnamon and granulated sugar and sprinkle it equally over the batter.

Prepare the Cake:

  • Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, in a preheated oven.

Chill and Present:

  • After letting the cake set in the pan for ten minutes, move it to a wire rack to finish cooling. Heat or serve room temperature.


  • Choose apples with good holding power while baking, including Braeburn, Honeycrisp, or Granny Smith.
  • Moisture: To make sure the cake batter isn’t overly moist, you might need to cut back on the yogurt or sour cream if the apples are exceptionally juicy.
  • Storage: The cake can be kept for up to three days at room temperature in an airtight container. Moreover, it can be kept frozen for three months. Before freezing, cover it tightly in plastic wrap and let it thaw at room temperature.

Apple cake is a delicious treat for breakfast, dessert, or a snack, and it goes well with a cup of coffee or tea. Savor the scent and aromas of this traditional cake!


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